
Spiritual Ground Zero

Hat tip to author JD Cowan for bringing my attention to the following chart: According to those numbers, religiosity - read: Christianity - among Americans aged 18-35 plummeted from near 90 percent in 1991 to 75 percent in 1998. My, what could have happened in between? The mean age of…

Soypriests of the Pedomouse

In a predictable follow up to a story this blog reported earlier, the soypriests of the pedomouse are doubling down on their child grooming agenda. Walt Disney corporate employees were reportedly caught on camera discussing efforts to include more LGBT content in the company’s programming during company meetings discussing a…
Grindr Disappears

China Disappears Grindr

In a follow up to their crackdown on TV sissy-men, China has banned gay dating app Grindr. Grindr was removed from Apple’s app store in China on Thursday, according to data from app analytics site Qima. Grindr has also been banned from Android app stores run by Chinese phone makers…
Kool Closeup

Reader Meme

The following meme was submitted by a long-time reader for the fun of it. But it's too good not to share. If you're a tinhorn municipal dictatorship, and you've worked up a thirst from a long day of screwing over small business, beware ... The Kooldozer   Space pirates OD…
Conservative Creatives

Conservative Creatives

A reader on Twitter asks: Starting a parallel cinema scene is becoming an ever-more feasible option for conservatives and dissidents. It's easier and cheaper than ever to make your own movie. An enterprising director could crowdfund a slick little indie film. Professional grade editing software; even high-end hardware like a…
Modern Art

Modern Art Is No Object

We've discussed before how Millennials and Zoomers suffer from a peculiar aesthetic disability. Unlike past generations, many of them seem unable to engage with artistic works on anything but a subjective level. A Big Brand X viewer from Generation Y on back would say, "I want to be devoted like…

Incel Messianism

Yesterday's post on Pope Francis' stern rebuke against cat moms drew a number of critical comments--not just from the Child Free™ and loving it crowd, but from ostensible dissidents, too. That's not surprising, since the fallout from the Sexual Revolution has tainted every corner of modern life, even the counterculture.…

It’s Not the Economy

One encouraging sign heading into 2022 is that the counterculture has for the most part rejected the Conservative obsession with ascribing economic causes to social phenomena. Sad to say, this undead meme has seen a resurgence since Mister Metokur's New Year's Eve stream, so let's drive another stake in its…

Milo v Beardson

This past Saturday, Trump-era provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos resurfaced on-stream with internet bloodsports veteran and inner circle groyper Beardson Beardly. The occasion was a debate on the spiritual ramifications of grown men pursuing children's hobbies--in this case, Pokémon cards. If you're wondering how the dispute started, one of the Groypers' wignat…
Astroworld satanic

Stanning for Satanism?

A quote often attributed to Chesterton notes that when something draws equally vehement attacks from opposite sides of the same issue, it's a good bet that what the partisans are attacking is true. In other words, heresies tend to come in diametrically opposed but equally erroneous twos. The resurgence of…