
The White Pill-Black Pill Rollercoaster

A vicious cycle that tends to afflict dissidents is the white pill-black pill rollercoaster. You see this phenomenon when some news story seems to signal a reversal of--or at least a pause in--the West's long cultural decline. The white-piller gets a dopamine rush that puts him on cloud nine. When…
Video Gambling

Video Gambling

If you're familiar with the refined generational theory discussed on this and other counterculture blogs, you know that Generation Y is clearly differentiated from the Millennials by the latter's gullibility and loathing of the past in contrast to the former's tractability and morbid nostalgia. Of all the pop culture stories…
OnlyFans Dead

Winning the War on Porn

The generational shift against porn I noted a while back may have started bearing fruit sooner than expected. In a surprising announcement, the social media application OnlyFans said that they would no longer permit “sexually explicit content” on their site starting Oct. 1. The shocking news comes after the media…
Nostalgia Bar

The Nostalgia Bar

Much has been written on this blog and others about generational theory and nostalgia. Counterculture writers have done extensive work showing how the old demographic models based on age have broken down in the face of accelerating social change.  If your predictions are based on lumping folks who came of…

A Culture Rout

One of the first lessons folks in dissident circles learn is to hide their power levels around Left-leaning family and friends. It's not so much that they fear being disowned or ostracized, though both do happen. In many cases, having fewer cultists to interact with comes as a blessing. The…
Weaponize Art

Weaponizing Art

The return of #BrandZero has dissident creatives asking how they can use their art to counter the prevailing narrative. Taking the Death Cult-profaned entertainment industry back looks like a nonstarter since Hollywood is quickly falling to China. Starting a parallel cinema scene might be a more feasible idea for dissidents.…
Lecter Skinsuit

Ignore the Skinsuits

A major hurdle to understanding our new era that most people struggle to surmount is the shift from an economic frame to a moral frame. Everyone currently living in the West was raised under a Left vs Right paradigm with roots in the eighteenth century. Especially in its American expression,…

The Post-Pop Cult Age

Almost everyone reading this grew up under a largely monolithic American pop culture. Whether it's Baby Boomers' love of the Beatles or the multigenerational Star Wars fandom that originated with Gen X, anyone who came of age in the past several decades could easily navigate the pop landscape by several…

The Tarantino Riddle

If you're a member of Generation X or Gen Y, chances are the films of Quentin Tarantino affected how you interact with pop culture to this day. His status as the last man standing of the indie directors who broke onto the early 90s film scene makes him a black…
Panorama Agents - Y Signal

Panorama Agents

Wherein author JD Cowan points out that cracks were showing in the pleasure dome the Boomers built to pacify their kids years before it collapsed. This summer of 1995, however, had felt somewhat off. Ray couldn’t put his finger on why. This movie continued that oddly detached feeling he had…