Shapiro Page

Conservative NPCs

It's easy to forget in the constant churn of internet culture, but the NPC meme as originally conceived and popularized had no political content. The channers who came up with the meme used it to describe the majority of people who follow the crowd without reflection. Like the video game…


One of the first lessons smart dissidents learn is to use discretion in mixed company. It's not so much that they fear being disowned by Leftist family members or ostracized by NPC friends, though both do happen. In many cases, having fewer cultists to deal with comes as a relief…

Heretical Cultists

In case anyone still thinks I'm indulging in hyperbole when I call the Left a fanatical Death Cult, let's compare their practices to pioneering psychologist Robert J. Lifton's methods that cults use to brainwash people. Lifton called the following mind control methods Thought Reform. It's as dystopian as it sounds.…
Nerds Run Shit

Revenge of the Nerds

It's obvious to anyone who's been paying attention that the entertainment industry has become the Death Cult's propaganda ministry. The more astute observers know that the subversion of Hollywood started decades ago. The movie, music, and game industries aren't alone in their anti-evangelism for the new civic religion. Almost every…
FF VII Remaster

Defusing the Pop Bomb

Rivers of ink have been spilled in our corner of the counterculture scene about Cultural Ground Zero. For the uninitiated, that's a shorthand description of the abrupt decline that struck Western entertainment right around 1997. The movie moguls, rock gods, and video game wizards who'd spent the 80s and 90s…
Theistic Orientation 1

A Divine Hand

Looking at the following charts in light of salvation history, it's hard not to see a divine hand in the West's onrushing demographic winter.   Not only are atheists already a tiny minority, their ranks overwhelmingly consist of white men, whose numbers are steadily dwindling relative to the overall population.…
Sound Advice

Sound Advice

A common dissident critique of Conservatism holds that it failed to conserve anything. This accusation may sound cliché now, but it's so self-evident that Conservatives don't even try to refute it. Instead they fall back on scare tactics like warning that the Hamburglar will take over the country unless we…
power of why

The Power of Why

We don't know what pastors and catechists of the last several decades expected when they let parochial schools lapse into public schools with crosses. Hopefully they didn't intend to leave three generations in a state of de facto heathenry. Whatever their intentions, that was the result. Replacing older generations whose…
Hetfield Shopping

More Music Ground Zero

In case you missed it, author and musician David V. Stewart recently did a couple of videos in which he ranked heavy metal albums. One video ranked Metallica's discography, while the follow up graded Megadeth's catalogue (on the front end of his Final Fantasy V stream). Both are highly worth watching.…
cardboard cutouts

Fantasy World of Cardboard

Talk to enough Millennials and Zoomers, and before long the conversation will turn to their favorite pop culture brands. Discussing these brands with them at any length will give you the strong impression that younger generations have a deep affinity for projecting themselves into these properties. Without a doubt, you'll…