Mulder Aliens

I’m Not Saying It’s Aliens

Regular readers of this blog will know that I'm no hard-nosed skeptic. That said, Charles Fort himself warned against being so open-minded that one's brains spilled out. The sudden candidness about UFOs on the part of the military, Congress, and the media raises ample reason for caution, if only because…
FunkoPop Blank

PopCult Icons

Every so often, a Twitter thread comes along that perfectly encapsulates the degeneracy of our age. Such a thread drew notice in counterculture circles for blowing the lid off the Pop Cult icons known as FunkoPops.     Read the whole depressing thread. All their claims of material objectivity and…

A Model of Collapse

Scholar Peter Turchin has developed a model of societal collapse that's already yielded startingly accurate predictions. Acquainting yourself with his work is probably a good idea because, if he maintains his track record, we probably won't be enjoying the next 5-10 years very much.   The year 2020 has been…

Beato Finds What He’s Looking For

Veteran record producer and audio engineer Rick Beato helped lay more of the groundwork for Cultural Ground Zero theory - at least in the music sphere - than any other pop culture observer. In particular, he contributed the crucial datum that rock & roll died in 1996. The cause of…

What Were the 80s Like?

With the final year of the 1980s now thirty-two years in the past, a phenomenon that strikes many members of Generations X and Y as both curious and bittersweet has emerged online. The first Zoomers are now twenty. That means two generations have now reached adulthood with no living memory…

Rare as Rooster Teeth

The internet may finally have found that much sought-after rarity: a company that has gone broke from getting woke. Except this legendary beast isn't a unicorn. It's a rooster. It is of no surprise to anyone that Rooster Teeth has had a very rough couple of months and that is…


With the Trump phenomenon gone the way of the Reagan Revolution and the Death Cult's shock troops strangling alternatives in the crib, we've gained enough distance to place the past five years in context. One of the most tragic yet edifying spectacles of the last two presidential elections was the gang…
Perpetual Revolution

Perpetual Revolution

The Death Cult's sole means of interacting with society consists of plunging it into a state of perpetual revolution. That's why the Cult is incapable of building. It only ever parasitize existing institutions. Meanwhile, their self-styled opponents in the Conservative camp have proven incapable of conserving a single institution. In hindsight,…
Gaming Ground Zero

Gaming Ground Zero

In which author David V. Stewart takes the Cultural Ground Zero ball and advances it ten years down the field: Maybe you’ve heard of cultural ground zero: 1997.     Now let’s talk games, because unlike other institutions of culture, the games industry kept on growing and innovating for another…
The Successful Failure

The Successful Failure

Holy Week is upon us again. It's become something of a cliché for Christian commentators to describe the current era as the Long Lent, and Satan always doubles his attacks leading up to the anniversary of his defeat. The diabolical sore loser spirit is hard to miss once you've been clued…