Falling Down the Stairs

Falling Down the Stairs

Spend some time hanging around dissident circles online, and you'll soon be introduced to the concept of the Collapse. Though formulated by philosophers of history a hundred years ago, the idea that civilization now faces a great decline is popular with ex-Trump supporters discouraged by the MAGA program's failure. Embracing…
The New Speakeasy

The New Speakeasy

An old Libertarian axiom dictates that government crackdowns on undesirable transactions don't destroy those markets, they just create black markets. The Roaring 20s speakeasy was a classic example that emerged in response to Prohibition. Today in the Whimpering 20s, illegal commerce is seeing a resurgence as the continued lockdowns are…
Trains and Traditions

Trains and Traditions

Say what you will about the MAGA movement. A necessary premise of its core argument is that America was once a great nation, but somewhere along the line we lost our way. The fact that this message resonated with half the country should sound alarm bells. An older thread from…
Fake Geeks

Fake Geeks

 If anyone still doubts that:a) The Hollywood studios, big publishers, and record labels who are busily destroying your beloved childhood brands are not motivated by profit, andb) The Pop Cult is a pipeline to the Death Cult,Consider the following thread by a would-be gatekeeper on Twitter.Fake Geeks? The Cultist projects…
The Pharmacopeia

The Pharmacopeia

A linguistic quirk that's become a hallmark of dissident jargon is the convention of referring to one or more "pills" as shorthand for certain mental states. Being bluepilled means uncritically accepting the official narrative on one or more issues. Taking the red pill indicates that one has wised up to…
The Optimate Moment

The Optimate Moment

 A reader comments:You seem to be taking the present situation pretty hard. I think you will find that, as Trump was unable to implement his agenda due to the "swamp" that the same effect also works on the Democrats. The country is too big and the Constitution puts too many…
The Corpse of Conservatism

The Corpse of Conservatism

The 2016 presidential election will go down in history as the last. Now that one party can commit rampant vote fraud, and the other meekly accepts the fraudulent outcome, the US is a de facto one-party oligarchy. Simulated elections will still be held for show, but everyone will know them…
The Doomsday Model

The Doomsday Model

Russian scholar Peter Turchin has developed a model of societal collapse that's already yielded startingly accurate predictions. Acquainting yourself with his work is probably a good idea because, if he maintains his track record, we probably won't be enjoying the next 5-10 years very much.The year 2020 has been kind…
Forensic Geekery

Forensic Geekery

Spend enough time on this blog, and you'll soon discover that contextualizing the generations, especially in regard to pop culture, gets a lot of page space. The memory-holing of Generation Y that came down from Madison Avenue at the turn of the millennium and only recently fell out of fashion…
Art Lasts

Art Lasts

Hang out around science fiction authors long enough, and you get the sense that they're all crazy. John Scalzi claims that Donald Trump and the weather conspired to give him writer's block. Patrick Rothfuss and George R. R. Martin have cited similarly temperamental reasons for not finishing their popular series.…