If Conservatives Fought

If Conservatives Fought

It should be no surprise that we had to wait for the perverts who run Hollywood to implode--while they kept abusing women and children the whole time--when conservative leaders have made it clear that they have no intention of challenging Leftist cultural dominance. The only thing conservatives want to conserve…
Marching From Victory to Victory

Marching From Victory to Victory

The Groyper War against the shills in Conservative Inc. continues to buck the trajectory set by previous internet revolts. Like its predecessors, it started organically as a cri de coeur by frustrated youth who've caught on to the fact that organizations which ought to serve their interests are instead treating…
Marketing Millennials

Marketing Millennials

A comment by author JD Cowan on yesterday's viral post demonstrates the deliberate memory holing of Generation Y in this article from 2001. Here at the turn of the real millennium, trend forecasters and futurists are pondering new ways of cross-marketing to all of America's biggest consumer groups. First there was the…
Give Them Nothing

Give Them Nothing

Two indie creators who are wise to Hollywood's contempt for its own audience have determined what must be done--or rather, what must not be done. First up, best selling author and comic book writer Jon Del Arroz exhorts dissenting consumers to starve the Pop Cult beast. We know the story’s going…
SMRT Stories: Reprise

SMRT Stories: Reprise

My earlier post on SJWs cannibalizing the once-mighty White Wolf Publishing occasioned a friend to recommend the 2004 video game *deep breath* Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Having lacked a PC capable of running the game back then, I missed it the first time around. I wasn't the only one, either.…
Yes, An Actual Cult

Yes, An Actual Cult

In case anyone still thinks I'm indulging in hyperbole when I call the Left a fanatical Death Cult, let's compare their practices to pioneering psychologist Robert J. Lifton's methods that cults use to brainwash people. Lifton called the following mind control methods Thought Reform. If that strikes an eerily familiar…
The Nostalgia Trap

The Nostalgia Trap

Author David V. Steward was gracious enough to invite me on his Writestream last night. The impetus for the episode was this post, which has caused something of a sensation among Generation Y readers. What strikes you most whenever you get Ys to open up and discuss the past is…
A Lonely Existence

A Lonely Existence

Once again, author David V. Stewart incisively unpacks the deeper spiritual and cultural implications of a recent viral post. Though he blurs the line between Gen Y and the Millennials--understandable for SEO reasons--the clear differences come through in his video. Note to Boomers who pontificate, "'Gen Y' is just a…
Mall Culture

Mall Culture

A classic post from the archives reprinted for new and long-time readers alike. It's surprisingly difficult to explain to people born after the 1980s just how central the local shopping mall was to a community's social and economic life. I remember when social conservatives would lament that nobody went to…
With Brandt as my Witness

With Brandt as my Witness

The sentencing of Dallas police officer Amber Guyger for the murder of a Caribbean immigrant in his home has become another media-administered ink blot test. Guyger was sentenced in Dallas, Texas on Wednesday by the same jury that convicted her a day earlier of murdering Jean.  The 31-year-old was off…