Who’s More Masculine?

Who’s More Masculine?

Yesterday's post addressed the masculinity crisis that is plunging the West into a dark age. A critical aspect of the problem is that academia, the media, and even misinformed manosphere bloggers have given men false ideas of what authentic masculinity is. By the same token, most people reduce the vice…
Swimming Upstream

Swimming Upstream

Hot on the heels of the rousing string of victories the pro-life movement won last week, we were treated to the usual hand wringing from the mainstream media's tame house Conservatives. Not an inch of ground is reclaimed in the culture war that housebroken shills like Tomi Lahren and Ben…
Moloch and Ashtoreth

Moloch and Ashtoreth

Presenting a guest post from reader D.J. Schreffler! My wife and I were talking last night about the leftist females going on a sex strike to protest the anti-abortion laws (Yes! Practice abstinence outside of marriage!) and other silly so-called protests (My wife said, “The best analogy I can think…

Witch Test

Courtesy of a reader from Twitter:     It's getting scary how this little test continues to work every single time.


Hat tip to author Jon Del Arroz for passing along the following exhortation to Christians from 4Chan to reject the Cult of Nice. To defeat the Death Cult, the Church is gonna have to roll up her sleeves, get her hands dirty, and make some messes. Gamer and fellow systematic…
Laurel Canyon

Laurel Canyon

Before his untimely death, the late researcher and author Dave McGowan brought to light a number of disturbing facts about the music industry. Could the psychedelic music genre and the entire hippie scene have resulted from a US military psyop? I'm not sure. Decide for yourself. It is the first…
Identity Entertainment

Identity Entertainment

We mischievous iconoclasts who strive to throw back the curtain on the subversion of pop culture must face a harsh reality. Most members of fandom like it where they are. They don't want to be redpilled. Like the dwellers in the Matrix, they will fight to protect the system that…
Not a Movie

Not a Movie

A reader writes: Hi there, Came across a blog post you made about the degredation of nerd culture since the 90's. I've kind of been waking up to the evident corporate hijacking of nerd culture vehicles more and more, and now I can't even enjoy watching a film anymore for…
They Don’t Believe Nothing…

They Don’t Believe Nothing…

This is a scene from a Game of Thrones watching party at a small pub--one of many which take place weekly around the world. Including on Easter Sunday. That's not a picture of people passively enjoying entertainment. What's captured in this still is an act of worship. Look at the woman…
Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

In keeping with his ongoing Augustinian conversion, former hedonist and international gadabout Roosh V tweeted out a sermon by Fr. Chad Ripperger on spiritual warfare. Regular readers will be familiar with my stance on extraordinary demonic activity and its effects on society--both at the macro and individual levels. Fr. Chad, a…