Ars Longa

Ars Longa

Hang out around science fiction authors long enough, and you get the sense that they're all crazy. John Scalzi claims that Donald Trump and the weather conspired to give him writer's block. Patrick Rothfuss and George R. R. Martin have cited similarly temperamental reasons for not finishing their popular series.…
The First One’s Free

The First One’s Free

The phrase "taking the red pill" has become a bit of a cliche in dissident circles. It's so shopworn that pointing out it's a cliche is becoming cliche. That's not to say the metaphor is ineffective. Tropes are tropes because they work. It's also been frequently observed that getting redpilled,…
The Long Shadow

The Long Shadow

Lately I've been going back and watching movies from the 80s with an eye to overlooked gems that I'd somehow managed to miss all these years. A lot of Gen X and Gen Y folks look back on the 80s as a Silver Age--a George Lucas remake of the Golden…


Hollywood atheists spent the 70s, 80s, and 90s preaching a counter-gospel through movies and TV shows that went like this: "Religion has been holding humanity back. We'll usher in a bright, sexy utopia of pure reason once we free ourselves of bronze age superstition." You couldn't pick up a DAW…
The Unholy Tribunal

The Unholy Tribunal

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you've seen me chronicle how Conservatives forfeited the entertainment industry to the Left while putting up only token resistance. Now the chickens have come home to roost. Creators who dissent from the rabid death cult the Left has curdled into find…
Good News

Good News

As a nice change of pace from the usual news about Christian leaders tripping over themselves to accommodate the spirit of the world, today we have a couple of refreshing positive developments. First up, African Methodists call their pozzed American brethren's bluff in the face of an attempted shakedown. (Here…
Decline and Fall of an Industry

Decline and Fall of an Industry

Evidence for my theory that American pop culture exhausted its creative capital in the late 90s continues to mount. This graph tracks the US record industry's per capita revenues by year. Note the dramatic decline beginning in 1994 that hit a low point in 1997. We now have a visual…
Better Dying than Crying

Better Dying than Crying

This is s good news/bad news scenario. The good news is that some among the new cohort of Catholic priests from generations X and Y understand the demographic and liturgical crises that are bringing the Church to her knees. It is no secret that in many (if not most) Catholic…
Tough Week for Fedora Tippers

Tough Week for Fedora Tippers

Many have pointed out--rightly, I believe--that the Covington Catholic fiasco has dispensed more red pills than a Seconal dealer. The tawdry spectacle of the entire #FakeNews media, Conservative, Inc, and even elements of the Catholic academy and hierarchy ganging up to throw a bunch of innocent kids in the stocks…
Keyboard Warrior Tonkasaw

Keyboard Warrior Tonkasaw

Another news item that broke over the weekend, but was overshadowed by more serious events, developed when Morning Kumite host Tonkasaw chickened out of his MMA fight with fellow YouTuber Andy Warski. Mister Metokur does the postmortem [NSFW language]: From the transcript: This was a pay-per-view event that people within the…