Smrt Stories

Smrt Stories

My earlier post on SJWs cannibalizing the once-mighty White Wolf Publishing occasioned a friend to recommend the 2004 video game *deep breath* Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Having lacked a PC capable of running the game back then, I missed it the first time around. I wasn't the only one, either.…


A delightful little internet flap occurred over the weekend wherein a Twitter user going by the name of David Wu declared he was reporting camera THOTs to the IRS for tax evasion. David Wu allegedly is reporting sex workers who pimp themselves on Snapchat to the IRS. Sex workers on…
RIP Stan Lee

RIP Stan Lee

Yesterday we saw the passing of comics giant Stan Lee. With the possible exception of George Lucas, Lee's influence on American pop culture was arguably unrivaled--and you'd need a damn good argument against it. You can't open a web browser, turn on the TV, or walk down the street without…
The Dead End State of Pop Culture

The Dead End State of Pop Culture

Author JD Cowan offers a grim prognosis on the fate of pop culture based on Hollywood's manifest inability to connect with its audience. The Predator is a shallow, spiritually dead movie of stolen imagination and rehashed ideas with a message that could only have been thought up by someone too…
Killstream Kobayashi Maru

Killstream Kobayashi Maru

Photo by Daniel James Citizen journalist and web drama enthusiast Ethan Ralph's popular #Killstream show has been banned from YouTube. YouTuber Ethan Ralph accused The Wall Street Journal of sabotaging a fundraiser he held in September to benefit St. Jude Children’s Hospital. On September 29, the host of the popular…
It’s Not the Size

It’s Not the Size

You can add Gab to the list of dissident outfits that have been shut down by concerted efforts by Leftist tech monopolies. This time the oligarchs' flimsy cover story involved hyperventilating over the recent mass shooting in Philadelphia. The shooter happened to have a Gab account, so our betters sunsetted…
Terminally Unhip

Terminally Unhip

I'm old enough to remember when Democrats were the Cool Party. All of the big movie stars, edgy comedians, and rock gods advocated for Leftist causes and held massive fundraisers for the DNC. What you saw in every form of mass media was that Democrats were open-minded free spirits with…
Benedictine CoC

Benedictine CoC

From Antisocial Justice on Twitter: The SJW mob successfully pressured SQLite into adopting a code of conduct, but it turns out that victory has defeated them. You read that right. SQLite's new CoC is based on the Rule of St. Benedict--the rule of religious life that ushered in the golden…
Are You an NPC?

Are You an NPC?

If you frequent dissident social media, you may have noticed a lull in the meme wars over the past year. Posting a Pepe or MAGApede meme would like as not get you labeled a Boomer. The salt flow had dried to a trickle as SJWs walled themselves into hugboxes behind…
You Better Recognize

You Better Recognize

Better late than never. It's encouraging to see Star Wars fans recognizing those who warned them of their beloved franchise's imminent fall. Here's @Dataracer117 reacting to my post from May of last year. Dubious praise, considering Yoda's Postmodernist turn in TLJ. The backlash wasn't hard to see coming, either, in…