Doomed to Repeat It

Doomed to Repeat It

It was only a matter of time before the SJW hive turned its full venom against the lovable upstarts of #ComicsGate. Richard Meyer, Ethan Van Sciver, and the movement's other independent comic book creators have dared to point out that the emperor has no clothes. Adding insult to injury, they've…
Promise Breakers Inc.

Promise Breakers Inc.

Apologies to my readers for the lateness of this post. circumstances beyond my control deprived me of internet access this morning. As a result, my planned post about Big Social going all Alex Jones on Mister Metokur will have to wait. That situation still seems to be developing, so it's…
We’re Not Worthy

We’re Not Worthy

Every day, more people are waking up to the true nature of the culture war. The ranks of self-styled moderates are thinning as the Left has made clear that the only options are total submission to their psychotic demands or being branded a Nazi. Even your Boomer aunt on Facebook…
Star Fox Style

Star Fox Style

A reader left a trenchant comment on my Sky King post that deserves to be showcased here. My dad and I talked about this guy for about 3 hours yesterday. I don't think there's anything more emblematic of the plight of the western man in the 21st century than what…
Sky King

Sky King

By now many of you will have heard the strange and tragic tale of Rich Russell, the Horizon Air baggage handler who perished after taking a stolen Bombardier Q400 for a joyride on Friday. He's gone now, leaving behind a bewildered wife and family, but the internet has dubbed him…
Requiem for Infowars

Requiem for Infowars

The hit against independent broadcaster Alex Jones' Infowars operation orchestrated by Google, Apple, Facebook, Stitcher, and Spotify is rattling quite a few cages on the dissident Right. The whole episode is giving me a mild case of the Mandela Effect, since I thought Jones had been banned since last year.…

Building Institutions

The following is my response to a reader who raised a number of thought-provoking questions prompted by yesterday's post. I thought it merited a post of its own. Building institutions is what the Right does. The Left is incapable of building anything. That's why they only ever parasitize existing institutions.…
We Are the Industry

We Are the Industry

The gatekeepers of legacy print and comic book publishing have a habit of referring to themselves as "the Industry". Claiming that exclusive label may have been justified when the only alternatives were underground comics Xeroxed at the library or vanity presses. That claim started to sound disingenuous with the explosion…
Generational Astrology

Generational Astrology

If you frequent social media and dissident blogs, it's hard to escape the phenomenon of people getting woke to generational differences. Much is made of Strauss-Howe generational theory. Some claim they can predict where the country's heading based on the age of the people in charge cross-referenced with the general…
The SJW Turkey Shoot

The SJW Turkey Shoot

You used to be able to take it for grated that when a studio announced a new TV show, they made the announcement assuming that the creators were dealing in good faith. Back in the 80s, a new Saturday morning cartoon being greenlighted meant the network execs were confident the…