The Last Jedi Is a Con

The Last Jedi Is a Con

Film critic Steven Greydanus reviews The Last Jedi for The National Catholic Register. Before we dig in, a reminder: You were warned. Greydanus begins conventionally enough with the sorts of bland compliments you'd expect from any film reviewer who wants to keep his job under the ever-expanding Mouse Monopoly. In the…
The Perfect Publisher

The Perfect Publisher

Ebooks are here to stay. Amazon enjoys overwhelming dominance among book retailers. Indie has matured into the preferred publishing model for authors. These developments, among many that have turned the book industry upside down in recent years, are widely known. Yet publishers, and even most indie authors, continue to employ…
Never Go Full SJW

Never Go Full SJW

A friend and reader writes: Haha, it's official -- Tor newsletter just went full retard.And with that, I'm going to unsubscribe. He ain't kidding! Here are some highlights. kicks off with a bit of garden variety historical revisionist boilerplate. Sure to be the talk of the junior college faculty…
Put Up or Shut Up

Put Up or Shut Up

As Advent approaches, the Injustice Gamer notes the increasing commercialization and concurrently decreasing observance of religious holidays. But the celebration of religious holy days and festivals is largely a foreign concept, especially when one looks at the family problems of the day. When kids start seeing all the problems of…
The Machine

The Machine

It used to be that an author could rise to a position of some cultural influence. I'm not just talking about inspiring future generations through their books. Think of J.K. Rowling and Stephen King for examples of celebrity authors whose public statements carry a lot of water in certain quarters.…
Lost Generations

Lost Generations

Identity politics has increasingly become a hot-button issue. The debate typically centers around matters of ethnicity or religion, but an often overlooked yet just as important factor in setting a person's self-concept is generational identification. Inter-generational conflict has become so ingrained in contemporary culture that it's hard to imagine a…
Case in Point

Case in Point

Pursuant to yesterday's post on the internal contradictions that have left Conservatives powerless to fight the culture war, I present the following tweets: That's author Jon Del Arroz tweeting about National Review Online writer Kevin D. Williamson's response to MAGA 2020 and Beyond from Superversive Press. If Williamson's name rings a bell,…
They’re Daft

They’re Daft

It's encouraging to see that more and more people are catching on to a fact I've done my best to publish far and wide, viz. that so-called Conservatives have no intention of conserving Western culture. Superversive SF blogger Dawn Witzke calls out Conservative media figures who complain ad nauseam about…
It’s Himmmmm

It’s Himmmmm

Yesterday I had one of those eureka moments that was once sole the province of dedicated conspiracy theorists with walls covered in red twine, but which the internet now makes available to all and sundry. In the course of my daily web rounds, I stumbled upon a new blog--new to…
How to Save Movies

How to Save Movies

I've written before about Hollywood's hatred for their own audience and their resulting financial woes. Today, rather than spend another post forecasting the American film industry's demise, I think it's high time to suggest an actionable plan to make sure the forces of Christendom and the West will fill the…