Gen Y Ephemera

Gen Y Ephemera

Reader Rudolph Harrier and author JD Cowan unearth more evidence that Generation Y is a separate cohort from the later Millennials. Consider some data points from a 2006 article published in the Oberlin Review: College admissions offices, employers and marketing companies are going into a frenzy over Generation Y, a…
Motorola StarTAC

Internet Citizens

Commenter Rudolph Harrier provides insightful context for Monday's post promoting JD Cowan's Generation Y compilation. We can take an average member of Gen Y as being born in 1984 and an average millennial as being born in 1995. Let’s look at some key trends and consider the relevant ages: Cell…
Gen Y Final Cover

Generation Why?

Announcing a special joint project by authors JD Cowan, David V. Stewart, and yours truly ... Generation Why? There is an epidemic in the modern age: a crisis of meaning. Why is it the world we were promised back in the 1980s and 1990s seems so far away now? Whatever…
Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan

Having fallen behind the anime scene some years ago, I didn't know quite what to expect when a friend lent me one of the most popular current series, Attack on Titan. Despite a title that sounds like it belongs to a forgotten A.E. van Vogt military thriller, this series based on…

The Breaking

A common denominator of Generation Y is the experience of being mugged by reality. This generation grew up during the last flowering of post-WWII economic largesse and post-Cold War optimism. In an era when every day was Christmas, Baby Boomers' promise that getting a liberal arts degree would guarantee a…
Green Lantern Black Skins

Denny Destroys DC

The illustrious Man of the Atom makes his long-awaited return to bring us more deep comics lore. Picking up from last time, the tireless chronicler turns his attention from Marvel to DC. At National Periodicals, Weisinger edited Superman- and Batman-related titles early in his career, and was the long term…
Comic Book Ages & Generations

Comic Book Ages and Lost Generations

Man of the Atom returns with the sequel to his previous enlightening post on the history of American comics. This time, MotA does a deep dive into the comic book generation gap. “There was a GENERATION GAP in the comic book industry. There were some people in their 50’s and…
Surveying Aftermath

Surveying the Aftermath

The mere act of listening to music from before the late 90s and after makes Music Ground Zero so evident that even pop cultists are starting to notice. NB: As you read the following, keep in mind that this is the bio of the account that tweeted it:   Observe…
Shooting Up

Shooting Up

A striking phenomenon increasingly on display as the generation raised by Nickelodeon turns 40 is the redirection of man's natural religious impulse to pop culture artifacts. A while back, I termed those who make idols of action figures, comics, and video games the Pop Cult. The reason Generation Y is…
Abrahamic Covenant

Contracts v Covenants

Yesterday's post on Gen Y's default transactional view of relationships drew comment from Ys who inadvertently proved what they sought to refute. It's understandable. As most commenters noted, Gen Y's upbringing by Boomer parents who tried to buy their affection instilled them from the start with a quid pro quo…