Reader Mail: A Self-Publishing Primer

A new reader sends this request for help navigating the radically transformed publishing landscape: First off, I'd like to congratulate you on the success of the book bomb a couple of weeks ago, and I hope you continue to be successful in your writing career. I have a huge amount…
Applied Rhetoric: Fun with Trolls

Applied Rhetoric: Fun with Trolls

A close friend and I were discussing the relative merits of dialectic and rhetoric the other day. He spoke of the invective bafflingly spewed against Christians since the Muslim terrorist attack in Orlando and mentioned debating fellow members of certain online communities on the subject. When I advised him that…

Geek Gab: Battle of the Iron Mans!

Daddy Warpig and I devoted the latest episode of Geek Gab to debating my best Iron Man movie post. The discussion was quite vigorous, to the extent that we broke the normal half hour time limit and did a double length episode. I definitely think the subject merited the extra time.…
The Conjuring 2

The Conjuring 2

With The Conjuring 2 dominating the weekend box office, now seems like a good time to expand on my short review from the most recent episode of Geek Gab. The sequel to 2013's The Conjuring, also helmed by director James Wan, this installment features the dramatization of another case from the…
Why Indie Publishing Succeeded Where Indie Gaming Failed

Why Indie Publishing Succeeded Where Indie Gaming Failed

Indie game developers' quandary The topic of this post came to me after I happened upon a couple of videos on widely disparate subjects. While making my way through The Rageaholic's Hugo-nominated vlog series, I came across this episode explaining why hopes that indie developers will pull the video game…

Geek Gab: Super Movie Episode

It's anything goes on this lively episode of Geek Gab. Daddy Warpig discusses a couple of Disney kids' films: Zootopia and The Rescuers. John talks about Overwatch. It's not a movie, but he didn't watch anything this week. Finally, I review The Conjuring 2 form director James Wan. Did he succeed…
Happy Anniversary, Nethereal!

Happy Anniversary, Nethereal!

My indie publishing adventure began one year ago today when my first novel, Nethereal, went live on Amazon. It's been a wild ride, to say the least. In the past year, I've released my first book's sequel, Souldancer, put together a second edition of Nethereal based on your feedback, got nominated…

Finding the Time to Blog with Russell Newquist

Author Russell Newquist is one of those ultra-productive people who seem to inhabit a time warp where there are 72 hours in a day. Here he shares his secrets for prolific blogging. Sleep is for the weak. I honestly probably don’t sleep enough. I average six to seven hours of…
Which Iron Man Film Is the Best in the Series?

Which Iron Man Film Is the Best in the Series?

It's the series that turned a comic book character nobody had cared about since the Cold War into the hottest IP on the planet and redeemed its star's career in the process. Initially considered a huge gamble, the Iron Man franchise kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe--a coup that the competition…

Geek Gab with Author Declan Finn

It's time for another geektastic episode of Geek Gab! This week Daddy Warpig, John, and I talk vampire fiction with Declan Finn, author of the Pius Trilogy and Sad Puppies 4 favorite Honor at Stake. In indie publishing news, Declan just got the rights to his books back. He's now self-publishing Honor…