Punished Brett Strikes Back

Punished Brett Strikes Back

The blackpillers who've assured us that President Trump's second SCOTUS pick is a garden variety GOPe stooge just got served a nice tall glass of STFU by Coach K. Justice Brett Kavanaugh sided with the liberal wing of the Supreme Court on Monday, penning an opinion against Apple that ruled…


Hat tip to author Jon Del Arroz for passing along the following exhortation to Christians from 4Chan to reject the Cult of Nice. To defeat the Death Cult, the Church is gonna have to roll up her sleeves, get her hands dirty, and make some messes. Gamer and fellow systematic…
Laurel Canyon

Laurel Canyon

Before his untimely death, the late researcher and author Dave McGowan brought to light a number of disturbing facts about the music industry. Could the psychedelic music genre and the entire hippie scene have resulted from a US military psyop? I'm not sure. Decide for yourself. It is the first…
Razörfist and Rekieta

Razörfist and Rekieta

Ribald raconteur Razörfist, with whom I've twice had the pleasure of appearing on stream, joined lawyer Nick Rekieta on the latter's stream last night to offer an energetic and meticulously researched defense of deceased King of Pop Michael Jackson. Full video below. Nick's streams tend to run long, and this…
The Old Man of the Woods

The Old Man of the Woods

A reader who shall remain anonymous for reasons that the post will make self-evident kindly provides us with an eerily intriguing diversion. Cousin lived with my grandparents in a hunting cabin in Missouri. Still lives there now that they're gone. Their neighbor back then was this old Indian guy who…
Identity Entertainment

Identity Entertainment

We mischievous iconoclasts who strive to throw back the curtain on the subversion of pop culture must face a harsh reality. Most members of fandom like it where they are. They don't want to be redpilled. Like the dwellers in the Matrix, they will fight to protect the system that…
Not a Movie

Not a Movie

A reader writes: Hi there, Came across a blog post you made about the degredation of nerd culture since the 90's. I've kind of been waking up to the evident corporate hijacking of nerd culture vehicles more and more, and now I can't even enjoy watching a film anymore for…
Traitors Before Enemies

Traitors Before Enemies

By now everybody's heard about Facebook's banning of Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, and Louis Farrakhan. You may not have heard that simply posting links to Jones and Watson can get you a Facebook ban, as well. Infowars is subject to the strictest ban. Any account…
PulpRev Mega Review Post

PulpRev Mega Review Post

Author JD Cowan unleashed a mega review post featuring a plethora of #PulpRev and adjacent books, including the final book in my award-winning Soul Cycle, The Ophian Rising. In many ways this book is an epilogue to the first three as the third entry wrapped up a lot of character…
The Music Makers

The Music Makers

Reader SmockMan comments on a recent post: I’m just gonna go out on a limb here and say Ariana Grande has prayed the the biggest, most powerful demon. Just listen to the lyrics of all her songs. All about destroying the soul of women. Congrats. You created a beautiful dumpster…