Which Constitution?

Which Constitution?

A common refrain from Conservatives is their stated desire to return to the principles enshrined in the Constitution. What they never consider, and what no one ever asks, is which Constitution? Many of them claim to be constitutional originalists, but it's doubtful they'd relish going back to the original Constitution.…

Combat Frame Data: CF-02

CF-02 Grenzmark I   Technical Data Model number: CF-02 Code name: Grenzmark I Nickname: Thimble Head Classification: mass production general use combat frame Manufacturer: Seed Corporation Operator: Systems Overterrestrial Coalition First deployment: CY -6 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 17.5 meters Weight: dry weight 43.5 metric tons, full…
It Doesn’t Diverge

It Doesn’t Diverge

Readers have asked where the Combat Frame XSeed timeline diverges from ours. I always respond that it doesn't. The series' backstory starts at Current Year and envisions how the various crises now besetting the world might shake out with a couple of curve balls thrown in. One central conceit of XSeed…

XSeed Audio Sample Chapter

Big news, audiophiles! JimFear138 of Dimension Bucket Studios was kind enough to produce a professional quality sample of the planned Combat Frame XSeed audiobook. You can check out his rendition of the first chapter right here. If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element…
What’s in front of You

What’s in front of You

I found the image above making the rounds and thought it would serve as a fun bit of nostalgia fodder. Judging by the pop culture references scattered throughout, the scene depicted above takes place in a teenager's room in an idealized version of the early 1990s. It's a clear summer…
Aircraft Data: HVRJ-2

Aircraft Data: HVRJ-2

HVRJ-2 Thor Prototype   Technical Data Model number: HVRJ-2 Code name: Thor Prototype Nickname: Marilyn Classification: prototype V/STOL attack aircraft Manufacturer: Seed Corporation Operator: EGE First deployment: CY -1 Crew: 1 pilot/1 pilot and 1 navigator in two-seat cockpit Length: 17 meters Weight: dry weight 36 metric tons, full weight 60…
Comics in the Rear View Mirror

Comics in the Rear View Mirror

A boy's elders telling him he'd grow out of comic books used to be a common American cliche. That was back when America was still a country, we didn't hate our kids, and the comics industry wasn't just an IP farm for rootless megacorps. If you want a picture of…
The Internet Is Over

The Internet Is Over

Yesterday, the European Parliament passed a widely reviled scheme to line the pockets of big business while throwing the door wide open to Stalinist internet censorship. Most of the new Copyright Directive's critics single out Articles 11 and 13 as the most onerous provisions. Article 11 is a tax designed…
Audiobook Stretch Goal Unlocked

Audiobook Stretch Goal Unlocked

File under: My Readers Are Wise and Powerful Cosmic Beings Sent to Save Science Fiction. As of this writing, you have raised over $2000 for the Combat Frame XSeed Indiegogo campaign--more than twice our initial goal. Within the first week! To recap, here are the goals that have now been…
Amazon: The Tiger Strikes

Amazon: The Tiger Strikes

Since the launch of the Kindle and KDP, we've had doomsayers--mostly tradpub authors, editors, and agents--prophesying Amazon's imminent descent into tyranny. Most forecasts of impending woe were founded on the premise that Amazon is a monopoly, and as such would impose draconian royalty terms on authors as soon as the…