Perpetual Episode One Syndrome

Perpetual Episode One Syndrome

Back in high school and college when I was first getting into the anime scene, I came to notice a recurring and highly vexing phenomenon. Bootleg VHS tapes were still the main source of new stuff from Japan back then. Getting our fix legit meant sending away via a mail…
Just Getting Started

Just Getting Started

Admittedly, I didn't know what to expect when I launched my Indiegogo campaign for Combat Frame XSeed. I certainly didn't expect the initial funding goal to be met on the first day, let alone in fourteen hours. But that's just what my generous backers did. One key advantage of crowdfunding is…

Combat Frame XSeed Indiegogo Is Live

Thanks to months of planning and the dedicated efforts of multiple talented creators, it's my sincere pleasure to announce that the Indiegogo campaign in support of Combat Frame XSeed is now live! Combat Frame XSeed is the explosive first book in a new military science fiction series that combines mecha anime…
2018 Dragon Award Winners

2018 Dragon Award Winners

The third annual Dragon Awards ceremony took place this past weekend at Dragon Con in Atlanta. The award admins have since released the full list of 2018 Dragon Award recipients. Best Science Fiction Novel Artemis by Andy Weir Best Fantasy Novel (Including Paranormal) Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson Best Young Adult…
The Twilight of Conservatism

The Twilight of Conservatism

The following was originally a response to a comment on yesterday's post that I thought deserved a post of its own. The current orgy of blue falconing exemplifies the convulsions you see when an established ideology slips into decline and new ideas start to supplant it. For instance, the whole…


This is why we can't have nice things. First, let's turn back the clock to Friday's post, wherein I warned the memebrs of #ComicsGate that they were repeating the same mistakes as #GamerGate and Sad Puppies. A couple of comments seem downright prescient in light of yesterday's turf war. First,…
Combat Frame Data: CF-01-1

Combat Frame Data: CF-01-1

CF-01-1 Combat Frame Type One Technical Data Model number: CF-01-1 Code name: Combat Frame Type One Nickname: Type One Classification: operational test type combat frame Manufacturer: Seed Corporation Operator: ZoDiaC First deployment: CY -6 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 17.5 meters Weight: dry weight 50 metric tons, full…

The Future Is Over

This week I put together a book trailer for my upcoming mecha/Mil-SF novel Combat Frame XSeed. So far the response has been extremely positive. See the results for yourself. Hungry for another XSeed preview? Read a sample of the book here. I honestly haven't been this excited about a project…
Doomed to Repeat It

Doomed to Repeat It

It was only a matter of time before the SJW hive turned its full venom against the lovable upstarts of #ComicsGate. Richard Meyer, Ethan Van Sciver, and the movement's other independent comic book creators have dared to point out that the emperor has no clothes. Adding insult to injury, they've…
The Virtual Wall

The Virtual Wall

Reader Man of the Atom comments: My bet is on a balkanization of the Internet, with major powers setting up their own ICANN and YP master servers (ICANN is nothing special or unique). Smaller nations would align under the larger nations -- an Internet NATO, Warsaw Pact, and Sino-Soviet Bloc…