Who Killed Jim’s Accounts?

Who Killed Jim’s Accounts?

This post was originally planned for yesterday, but circumstances conspired to prevent me from doing the necessary research. It's probably for the best, though, because the story of Mister "Jim" Metokur's near-simultaneous YouTube and Twitter suspensions has taken a different direction than I'd initially suspected. Which I should have suspected.…
Promise Breakers Inc.

Promise Breakers Inc.

Apologies to my readers for the lateness of this post. circumstances beyond my control deprived me of internet access this morning. As a result, my planned post about Big Social going all Alex Jones on Mister Metokur will have to wait. That situation still seems to be developing, so it's…
Combat Frame Data: YCR-015-1

Combat Frame Data: YCR-015-1

  YCR-015-1 Zwei Dolph Custom    Technical Data Model number: YCR-015-1 Code name: Zwei Dolph Custom Nickname: Dolph Classification: custom high mobility, energy weapon optimized combat frame Manufacturer: Seed Corporation Operator: Systems Overterrestrial Coalition First deployment: CY 1 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 19.5 meters Weight: 45 metric tons Armor type: palladium…

Combat Frame Data: CF-015

  CF-015 Zwei Dolph    Technical Data Model number: CF-015 Code name: Zwei Dolph Nickname: Dolph Classification: mass production, energy weapon optimized combat frame Manufacturer: Seed Corporation Operator: Systems Overterrestrial Coalition First deployment: CY 1 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 19.2 meters Weight: Dry weight 40 metric tons, full weight…
We’re Not Worthy

We’re Not Worthy

Every day, more people are waking up to the true nature of the culture war. The ranks of self-styled moderates are thinning as the Left has made clear that the only options are total submission to their psychotic demands or being branded a Nazi. Even your Boomer aunt on Facebook…
We Must Not Allow a Mech Gap

We Must Not Allow a Mech Gap

Reader D.J. Schreffler has alerted me that the Russians recently unveiled the world's first combat walker at the Army-2018 expo near Moscow. The bipedal mech, which bears more than a passing resemblance to ED-209, was exhibited by Kalashnikov. We're not dealing with a bunch of weebs messing around in their…
Tumblr: The Anime

Tumblr: The Anime

If you're an up-and-coming indie author who's a Millennial, a member of Generation Y, or even a Gen Xer, your dream scenario for publishing success probably includes getting your IP optioned as an anime series. For years the common refrain anytime an American voiced such hopes was, "Anime studios don't…
Unimaginative CHORFs

Unimaginative CHORFs

The 2018 Hugo Award winners were announced on Sunday night at World Con in San Jose. Frequent readers will recall that I made a prediction regarding the Best Novel Award. Let's see how my prediction of a Jemisin triple crown panned out. Those are the Best Novel Hugo Award results…

Combat Frame Data: CF-014

  CF-014 Ein Dolph    Technical Data Model number: CF-014 Code name: Ein Dolph Nickname: Dolph Classification: mass production, energy weapon optimized combat frame Manufacturer: Seed Corporation Operator: Systems Overterrestrial Coalition First deployment: CY 1 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 19.2 meters Weight: 35 metric tons Armor type: titanium alloy/aeorgraphene/ceramic…
Star Fox Style

Star Fox Style

A reader left a trenchant comment on my Sky King post that deserves to be showcased here. My dad and I talked about this guy for about 3 hours yesterday. I don't think there's anything more emblematic of the plight of the western man in the 21st century than what…