Finding God

Finding God

A commenter on yesterday's post writes: I've lately felt something of a pull towards Christianity, Catholicism, in particular. (I've generally believed in the existence of a God but haven't gotten serious about it, in part due to my religious upbringing). However, seeing things like this, as well as the general…
To Purify the Church, Build the Wall

To Purify the Church, Build the Wall

Another round of damning revelations has been brought to light in the perpetual gay priest child sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. In sum, the State of Pennsylvania investigated 70 years of clergy sex abuse claims and found that 300 priests had abused at least 1000 minors. The height…
Sky King

Sky King

By now many of you will have heard the strange and tragic tale of Rich Russell, the Horizon Air baggage handler who perished after taking a stolen Bombardier Q400 for a joyride on Friday. He's gone now, leaving behind a bewildered wife and family, but the internet has dubbed him…
#GamerGate Hoax?

#GamerGate Hoax?

A major bombshell was recently dropped on The Ralph Retort's Killstream, where YouTuber Mundane Matt was caught red-handed falsely flagging the channels of other YouTubers who'd criticized him. The sordid affair was duly chronicled by internet auriga Mister Metokur. His video serves as a dire warning against eCelebrity hubris. Executive…
Secrets of #AGundam4Us

Secrets of #AGundam4Us

Voice actor and author JimFear138 recently had authors Bradford Walker, Rawle Nyanzi, and myself on his show to talk about #AGundam4Us. If you're curious as to what the hashtag is all about, you get a detailed summary in this episode. In addition, all three of us lay out our plans…

Combat Frame Data: CFM-07

CFM-07 Mablung   Technical Data Model number: CFM-07 Code name: Mablung Nickname: Mab Classification: mass production aquatic combat frame Manufacturer: Seed Corporation Operator: Systems Overterrestrial Coalition First deployment: CY 1 Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest Height: 17.5 meters, 18 meters with fin Weight: dry weight 48.1 metric tons,…
Gab Is Next

Gab Is Next

We knew that Infowars wouldn't be the last dissident operation to run afoul of the big tech censors. Mere days after Facebook, Apple, Google, and Soundcloud banned Alex Jones, Microsoft has threatened to shut down free speech absolutist network Gab. Here's the announcement from Gab co-founder Andrew Torba. Building our…
A Detailed Road Map

A Detailed Road Map

A reader writes: Say Mr. Niemeier, when you write a multi-book saga like say the Soul Cycle, do you just write it out book by book or do you have a detailed kind of road-map before you put pen to paper? I answer: I outline extensively. For the Soul Cycle…
A Poor Job of Being So

A Poor Job of Being So

Wherein John Scalzi, the Pauly Shore of Tor Books, demonstrates his practiced innumeracy regarding the Tor Awards Hugo Awards. h/t to @FuturistDog Gee, I wonder whose book the Tor finalist happens to be. Oh. Scalzi is correct in one regard. Tor's fortunes have objectively declined since their pre-Puppies heyday. Between…
Requiem for Infowars

Requiem for Infowars

The hit against independent broadcaster Alex Jones' Infowars operation orchestrated by Google, Apple, Facebook, Stitcher, and Spotify is rattling quite a few cages on the dissident Right. The whole episode is giving me a mild case of the Mandela Effect, since I thought Jones had been banned since last year.…