Johnson Ends Covid

An End to Medical Tyranny?

Earlier this week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a drastic rollback of Covid restrictions in the UK. Watch his full announcement: Some are hailing the PM's statement as the end of medical tyranny. Starting next Thursday, the British government will no longer mandate vaccine passports, face masks in public…
Niccholas J Fuentes

Making Martyrs

When a nation's established ruling order is overthrown or subverted, the new regime's first goal is to cement its authority. That means memory holing any evidence of a change from one form of government to another. It also entails silencing those who question the new rulers' legitimacy. Revolutionaries learned a…
Conservative Creatives

Conservative Creatives

A reader on Twitter asks: Starting a parallel cinema scene is becoming an ever-more feasible option for conservatives and dissidents. It's easier and cheaper than ever to make your own movie. An enterprising director could crowdfund a slick little indie film. Professional grade editing software; even high-end hardware like a…

Incel Messianism

Yesterday's post on Pope Francis' stern rebuke against cat moms drew a number of critical comments--not just from the Child Free™ and loving it crowd, but from ostensible dissidents, too. That's not surprising, since the fallout from the Sexual Revolution has tainted every corner of modern life, even the counterculture.…

This Tube

Reader Rudolph Harrier writes in a comment on yesterday's post: I’ve been spending a lot of time with older relatives over the holidays and with the boomer-tier that always means the TV is on in the background, especially for the news (even if it’s the 9 o’clock news and they…
Biden Retreat

Mask Slip

By now, most normal people have tuned out the constant stream of doom and gloom blaming everything from soaring suicide rates to chip shortages on the coronavirus. What gets lost in the shuffle is that most of the systemic failures shaking Western society to its foundations aren't attributable to the…
bank run

The Bill Comes Due

A week after Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot decreed vaccine passport requirements, it turns out the Second City is broke. The city of Chicago apparently has no money in its employee Payroll account. An employee of the city has uploaded video showing the bank upon which a city paycheck is drawn,…

Memento Men

As Conservatism continues its steep decline, its remaining adherents present symptoms of memory failure similar to those of the protagonist in the movie Memento. Like him, these otherwise intelligent and decent people suffer astonishing short-term memory lapses. Unlike in the film, Conservative amnesia is limited to politics. For example, you…
Based Church

Looking for a Based Church? Neither Am I

As Christians have long noticed, Satan launches his most vicious attacks on the Church during two seasons. In Lent, the mainstream media overflows with pop pseudohistory books by fedora-tier academics pushing crackpot theories about Jesus. You might catch a talk show with one grifter claiming Christ was a failed rebel…

Yet Learning Nothing

Readers will recall the court case brought by best selling author Jon Del Arroz that rustled some jimmies in oldpub over the summer. SFF death cultists harped on the fact that Worldcon 2018 only paid Jon $4000 as part of their settlement. On Jon's stream, which I was fortunate to…