

In recent news that's starting to sound all-too familiar, Wells Fargo banned 2020 GOP senate candidate Lauren Witzke from banking with them. For no other crime than being an outspoken Christian conservative, the bank stole $15,000 of her money and left her stranded out of state. Witzke got off easy…


Any honest man who's found his way into dissident politics will admit that seeing the Left-Right paradigm he grew up with unmasked as kabuki theater was one of the hardest red pills to swallow. With the exception of the Zoomers, every living generation of Americans was conditioned to support the…
Musk Melvins Wall Street

Musk Melvins Wall Street

It seems that Donald Trump may have been holding internet autists in check. Because no sooner did he leave office than a bunch of online pranksters rose up to bring Wall Street to its knees. Amateur investors piled further into niche stocks on Tuesday, sending professional short sellers scrambling to…
Candy Desk Honey Trap

Candy Desk Honey Trap

A catch-22 inherent in outsider politics is that movements outside the mainstream by definition attract misfits and oddballs. Those kinds of folks tend to suffer from a dearth of patience, invites lax vetting of new members. Instead of a big tent, the typical outsider movement often ends up as a…
The Corpse of Conservatism

The Corpse of Conservatism

The 2016 presidential election will go down in history as the last. Now that one party can commit rampant vote fraud, and the other meekly accepts the fraudulent outcome, the US is a de facto one-party oligarchy. Simulated elections will still be held for show, but everyone will know them…
junipero serra

Death Cult Vows

Like all religions, the Death Cult that currently dictates Western morality has a creed that its adherents are required to profess in order to be members in good standing. The Z Man complied a pretty accurate encapsulation of the Cult's dogmas, which I present here with some light editing.  …
It’s Not the Economy, Stupid

It’s Not the Economy, Stupid

It's about time someone noticed that Conservatives' exclusive fixation on economic arguments has lost them the culture war. Daniel Bendele writes: If the culture degrades even as the stock market climbs, there must be something else that we are missing?  If the rising tide is lifting all the boats, why…
Devil Horns

Don’t Don the Devil Horns

Wherein I lay out the morally and rhetorically correct response to the Death Cult's demands for reparations. From Twitter:   To recap: The Left isn't after anything rational. They are a hysterical Death Cult motivated by moral posturing which reinforces their sense of identity. They reinforce the sense of moral superiority…

President West

This July 4th weekend brought a number of surprises, and the most unexpected came courtesy of rapper Kanye West: Now, I understand the temptation to dismiss Kanye's announcement as a joke. But there is evidence that he has in fact been planning a presidential run. This isn't the first time…
Death Cult Lexicon

Death Cult Lexicon

One surprising insight uncovered by yesterday's post on the T-Witch is that some among the counterculture still mistake the Death Cult's ritual cant for normal, if jargon-riddled, English. A vital aspect of Cult behavior that normal folks must always keep in mind is that all of a Witch's faculties are wholly…