
Utah, Louisiana Give Pornhub the Boot

With Satanists congregating in major cities and schools pushing to mutilate kids, it's refreshing to see Conservative lawmakers catching up to private organizations on the smut front. The adult content website Pornhub blocked access in Utah on Monday due to new state laws requiring websites with adult content to verify users' ages…
ZHPL Blocked

No Christendom Without Christ

I regret to inform you that the Big-brain Nietzsche Boys are shilling for apostasy again. That's nuPaganism apologists for you. The second their backs are turned to Christ, it's right back to the child sacrifice. And it's not just the BAPists who are trying the "How do you do, fellow…
Trump Arrest


Loyal readers know I've said since Biden was installed that the regime would railroad Donald Trump to neutralize his candidacy through lawfare. This is just the most recent example. Yesterday, a High Party DA finally kept a promise the party had been making to its zealot contingent since 2016. Trump…

1940s Babies

Loyal readers of this blog know that I've been combating the prevalent Madison Avenue-concocted generational model for years, along with fellow authors David Stewart and JD Cowan. Much of our understanding of what, say a Zommer or a Millennial is comes from ad agencies who draw arbitrary lines between cohorts…
Nick Fuentes Is Back

Promise Kept

The whole Elon Musk - Twitter saga elicited a lot of comment. From the beginning you had people saying it was all a grift or a publicity stunt. I said last year that Musk's purchase of Twitter would be completed in the fall, and it would take until early in…
Crowder Con Inc

Con Inc Exposed

It's no secret that this blog has been critical of Conservative pundit Steven Crowder. After all, his career is one of the answers to the often-asked question "Why doesn't Conservative media ever do anything effective in the culture war?" But now, it looks as if Crowder is breaking the Con…
Eternal Amnesia

Selective Amnesia

As Conservatism implodes, its dwindling adherents seem gripped by a strange, selective amnesia. these otherwise intelligent and decent people suffer astonishing short-term memory lapses regarding politics. For example, you can point out that student loans are by nature usurious and therefore impose no moral obligation of repayment. Conservatives will nod…


Monday was a rough one for Con Inc. grifters. First, double agent Jack Posobiec outed himself as a conman who hoodwinks normieCons into funding a pro-Antifa charity. But conservative indie artists in need of a signal boost? Tough luck, bucko. Let me lay my cards on the table here. Writing…
Double Agent Poso

Double Agent Poso

"Always have one hand reaching up for the next rung of the ladder, and have one reaching down to help the next guy up." That's a maxim I've lived by since starting my newpub career. But conservative indie authors and readers are starting to notice that the e-celebs packaged as…

It Don’t Matter

While a majority of Americans still practice Christianity at home, our rulers submit to a heretical secular religion. And they've taken pains to make sure Christians' beliefs have zero impact on public life. One can agitate for state-enforced child mutilation and not only be tolerated but praised. Yet refusing to…