Smrt Stories

Smrt Stories

My earlier post on SJWs cannibalizing the once-mighty White Wolf Publishing occasioned a friend to recommend the 2004 video game *deep breath* Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Having lacked a PC capable of running the game back then, I missed it the first time around. I wasn't the only one, either.…
SJWs Take White Wolf’s Pelt

SJWs Take White Wolf’s Pelt

White Wolf, publishers of Vampire: The Masquerade--a tabletop role-playing game that gained massive popularity in the 90s--has succumbed to an SJW outrage mob. Sales and printing of the V5 Camarilla and Anarch books will be temporarily suspended. The section on Chechnya will be removed in both the print and PDF…
Comics in the Rear View Mirror

Comics in the Rear View Mirror

A boy's elders telling him he'd grow out of comic books used to be a common American cliche. That was back when America was still a country, we didn't hate our kids, and the comics industry wasn't just an IP farm for rootless megacorps. If you want a picture of…
Perpetual Episode One Syndrome

Perpetual Episode One Syndrome

Back in high school and college when I was first getting into the anime scene, I came to notice a recurring and highly vexing phenomenon. Bootleg VHS tapes were still the main source of new stuff from Japan back then. Getting our fix legit meant sending away via a mail…
#GamerGate Hoax?

#GamerGate Hoax?

A major bombshell was recently dropped on The Ralph Retort's Killstream, where YouTuber Mundane Matt was caught red-handed falsely flagging the channels of other YouTubers who'd criticized him. The sordid affair was duly chronicled by internet auriga Mister Metokur. His video serves as a dire warning against eCelebrity hubris. Executive…
The SJW Turkey Shoot

The SJW Turkey Shoot

You used to be able to take it for grated that when a studio announced a new TV show, they made the announcement assuming that the creators were dealing in good faith. Back in the 80s, a new Saturday morning cartoon being greenlighted meant the network execs were confident the…
Ophian Rising Casting Call

Ophian Rising Casting Call

Now that the startling conclusion to the Soul Cycle has been out for a while--and none of you have an excuse for not having finished reading it yet--it's high time I followed up on the fantasy cast lists I compiled for Nethereal, Souldancer, and The Secret Kings with a casting call…
The Name of the Wind

The Name of the Wind

The other day I came across this incomplete but astute review of The Name of the Wind at RMWC Reviews. Having read and finished the book, I can vouch for his appraisal. Here are some representative excerpts. 2007 saw the publication of The Name of the Wind, the first book of…
We’ve Passed Peak Pop Star

We’ve Passed Peak Pop Star

In recent Decline of the West news, record sales have fallen off a cliff. Record sales are being touted these days as on a comeback. All you hear is: streaming will save us. But things are pretty dire. For example, Justin Timberlake’s “Man of the Woods,” touted so highly on…
Nerd Culture Is Dead

Nerd Culture Is Dead

Over at the Emperor Ponders blog, the Frisky Pagan charts the decline of Western culture using the highest-grossing films of each decade as a benchmark. Since there’s a lot to rant about this, I will focus on a single hypothesis: since the late 90s, there has been a divorce between…