How Big Publishing Bias Drives Indie Growth

How Big Publishing Bias Drives Indie Growth

Is widespread political bias in big publishing enforcing a blacklist against openly conservative and libertarian authors? A few years ago, I would have greeted claims of publishers rejecting and blackballing writers based on ideological differences with skepticism. Sure, Manhattan, where all the big publishers congregate, has a pretty left wing…
Sad Puppies: The Superversive Mandate

Sad Puppies: The Superversive Mandate

The highly anticipated Sad Puppies 4 recommended reading list has been released. Just in the nick of time for Hugo Award nominations, which close at the end of this month, these works were suggested by SF fans from around the world and across the web. The full list can be…
The Secret of the Universe

The Secret of the Universe

OK. I'm not actually going to reveal the secret of the universe. Instead, this post will be devoted to bringing you, my faithful readers, up to speed on recent developments in my self-publishing odyssey. And boy, have I got a lot to share! Up and Coming Cover by Holly Heisey…
Earth vs. Twitter: This Time It’s Personal

Earth vs. Twitter: This Time It’s Personal

Twitter's suppression of conservative and libertarian users has incited an exodus of high profile figures from the embattled social network. It's been rightly said that Twitter, as a private sector corporation, is free to ostracize any user demographic it wants. Targeted users are just as free to leave the platform.…
Amazon Reviews and eBook Pricing

Amazon Reviews and eBook Pricing

Authors and bibliophiles alike should read this post by Larry Correia in response to an Amazon review for Son of the Black Sword. Your time is valuable, so if you're disinclined to following the link, the short version is that a reviewer gave Larry's book one star for the sole…
Sad Puppies: Cognitive Dissonance Makes Our Enemies Oblivious

Sad Puppies: Cognitive Dissonance Makes Our Enemies Oblivious

Predictably, my recent post about how advances in media technology are driving the Sad Puppies phenomenon--and the hostile reactions of its detractors--drew hostile reactions from SP's detractors. I argued that new tribes of science fiction fans are forming around movies, video games, and eBooks; leaving the New York publishing establishment ever…
Souldancer is Live on Amazon

Souldancer is Live on Amazon

It's my sincere pleasure to announce that Souldancer, the sequel to Nethereal, is now live on Amazon's Kindle Store. The release of this book marks the culmination of a work that's been years in the making. Though Souldancer is sequentially the second book of the Soul Cycle, I actually started writing…
Souldancer Update: Finished Cover Art

Souldancer Update: Finished Cover Art

Earlier today, my extraordinary cover artist Marcelo Orsi Blanco sent me the detailed, colorized version of the front cover for Souldancer. As you might expect, I was overjoyed. But it was only a foretaste of the surprise he had in store for me a few hours later, when he sent the…
Sad Puppies: Lords Temporal and Spiritual

Sad Puppies: Lords Temporal and Spiritual

Last time, we talked about the drastic changes currently underway in sci-fi fandom, and the media that are driving those changes. People with their fingers on the pulse of fandom have observed that SF is becoming more tribalistic. They're right. Due to the dominance of movies, TV shows, video games,…
Fandom Is Dead. Long Live Fandom!

Fandom Is Dead. Long Live Fandom!

If you change the medium, you change the message. Philosopher of communication Marshall McLuhan argued persuasively that advances in media, regardless of content, can incite dramatic, culture-wide effects. A best selling print book can reach millions of people, but turn that book into a hit movie, and you increase its…