A Wrinkle in Time

Tune in for Geek Gab as Daddy Warpig and Dorrinal review the controversial new adaptation of beloved YA novel A Wrinkle in Time. Plus Slay the Spire and Hurricane Heist! God-slaying fun for all!
Casablanca’s Lessons for Writers

Casablanca’s Lessons for Writers

Over at Amatopia, the Daytime Renegade discovers the invaluable lessons that the classic film Casablanca has to teach writers. My wife and I watched the 1942 classic Casablanca few nights ago. It had been over a dozen years since I had seen it, and it was the first time for my wife.…
Amazon Review Purge

Amazon Review Purge

Has the epidemic of social media censorship that's seen big tech firms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter persecute users for their politics infected Amazon? A recent purge of book reviews may be a warning sign that the English-speaking world's biggest online retailer is interfering with its users in subtler but still…
Reader Mail: Sith-Jedi Theology

Reader Mail: Sith-Jedi Theology

Reader Durandel writes: In conversations with my friends and family, many who are conservative and Catholic, whenever the topic of conversation comes up about fighting back against the Left, someone in the group gets very upset at the idea of being uncivil. And if you point out that it is…
The Can that Laughs

The Can that Laughs

In a turn worthy of a coke-fueled Stephen King novel, reports have surfaced of Amazon's Alexa digital assistant exhibiting eerie behavior. Amazon is trying to stop its Amazon Echos, powered by the Alexa voice-activated assistant, from suddenly laughing. The online retail giant told to tech news publication The Verge on…

Fun for All Ages

When you run an open table, you never know who might show up to your game. Bonus: this anecdote provides more evidence that real-life skill in the art of war does in fact translate to in-game victory. Everything Star Wars should be doing, but isn't.
How Publishing Companies Die

How Publishing Companies Die

Over at Jeffro's blog, veteran author, editor, and publisher Jeff Duntemann delivers his own Blood in the Streets prediction for the Big Five New York publishing houses. Ebooks have *not* plateaued. Perhaps ebooks published with an ISBN–something of less and less usefulness as time goes on–but you can sell ebooks…
The Real Horseshoe

The Real Horseshoe

A new trend that's been showing up in my YouTube subs is former Leftists or Left-Libertarians who rose to prominence in the anti-SJW campaigns rebranding as champions of Classical Liberalism. If you're a fan of Internet Bloodsports, you know what I'm talking about. You know a phenomenon has gained traction…
Return of 3 for 3 Review Day

Return of 3 for 3 Review Day

It's 3/3 again--the first anniversary of author Jon Mollison's 3 for 3 Amazon review day! How do you participate in 3 for 3 Day? It's simple. Pick 3 books you've read but haven't reviewed yet. Write a 3 sentence review of each book on Amazon. Bonus points for choosing indie…
Digital Manga Outsells Print

Digital Manga Outsells Print

But eBooks are just a passing fad, right? Reports by both The Huffington Post on Monday and the NHK World on Tuesday noted that annual sales of digital manga volume sales overtook sales of physical manga volumes for the first time in 2017. The reports, citing the Research Institute for…