
B&N’s Bloody Monday

Barnes and Noble, biggest of the few remaining big book stores, is on its last legs if these independent sources cited by The Digital Reader are correct. Yesterday Barnes & Noble shook the business world when they fired an unknown number of experienced employees. The initial report said B&N had…
Gen Zed Perspective

Gen Zed Perspective

Reader and high school student Eliza offers her informed commentary on yesterday's post about the Left's efforts to normalize obesity. As part of Generation Z, it is interesting to read about the excuses that people have for "letting go." At the high school level I think everyone knows that being…
Reason #1,000,001

Reason #1,000,001

The following FaceBook post found its way into my feed yesterday. Names and faces are concealed to protect the innocent. Anon is right on the money. Body positivity/#HealthyAtAnySize is pure rhetorical snake oil for all the reasons listed. Furthermore, it's downright evil for ulterior reasons not-so-subtly hidden in this comment…

Anime Is Real

Here's Russian figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva, world champion, record-holder, and 2018 Olympic gold medal favorite, performing as Sailor Moon. Observation: The moment when she unveils the Sailor Senshi costume--while spinning, you'll note--is the feminine equivalent of Clark Kent opening his suit jacket to reveal the big red S. As a…
What’s New Is Old

What’s New Is Old

A curious phenomenon I started noticing about fifteen years ago hit me as a sort of jump-cutting in time. The effect wasn't internally consistent, though--like when I sit down to write at 7 PM, get into a groove, and suddenly it's midnight. The temporal anomaly I'm referring to is oddly…
Could Thrawn Have Saved Star Wars?

Could Thrawn Have Saved Star Wars?

Gamespot, of all places, just ran a story by Christopher Gates that made the same assertion I've been making since The Force Awakens came out, viz. that film adaptations of Timothy Zahn's legendary Thrawn Trilogy should have been the official Star Wars Episodes VII, VIII, and IX. It's hard to imagine…
Torching Itself Nicely

Torching Itself Nicely

In light of the ongoing discussion of the Prussian education model, my comment on Joseph Moore's original Catholic Schools Week article would seem to merit its own post. I attended Catholic schools from K-12, and my experience largely mirrors Mr. Moore's. My schooling took place a generation after his, though.…
Prussian Model Stockholm Syndrome

Prussian Model Stockholm Syndrome

Over at Yard Sale of the Mind, the inestimable Joseph Moore attempts to shake parents from their They Live-style illusion that Catholic schools differ substantially in their teaching approach from Prussian Model public schools. A key point you’ll need to keep in mind to understand the following: the form we…
Adam Smith on Self-Publishing

Adam Smith on Self-Publishing

This past weekend, indie author Adam Smith sat down to chat about his new adventure novel Making Peace with Daddy Warpig and Dorrinal on Geek Gab. Check it out! I'm delighted to see that Adam's first novel has met with such extraordinary success, and not just because I edited it. We need…
Captain Blood and the Soul Cycle

Captain Blood and the Soul Cycle

My friend and editing client Alex, @DaytimeRenegade on Twitter, produced a fun little Periscope about the classic Errol Flynn movie Captain Blood and my Soul Cycle horror/adventure series.   Watch the Periscope here. Alex's observation of the differences in structure and pacing between pre and post-1980s movies is quite astute--especially his example…