River City. Kong. Logan.

River City. Kong. Logan.

Catch our most recent Geek Gab discussion of pop culture ephemera. Under the microscope this time: River City Ransom, Kong: Skull Island, and Logan. Have a listen! In Niemeierian fiction news, I have passed the halfway mark in the first draft of my upcoming book for Castalia House. Really excited…

Editing Services

I am now accepting requests to edit authors' novel and short story manuscripts. Services provided include editing for spelling, grammar, and content. I am also happy to provide customers with a free one-time consultation on book marketing and self-publishing strategies. Rates depend on various factors such as length, deadline, etc.…
The Audiobook Talk

The Audiobook Talk

If you're a regular reader here, you know how highly I value my readers. The Big Five publishers treat readers as a captive audience whose tastes they can manipulate. I cherish my readers as the people who enable me to write for a living. When my readers have requests or…
Paging Dr. Warpig

Paging Dr. Warpig

Daddy Warpig continues his critical tour de force over at the Castalia House blog. This time he returns to warn us that print science fiction has one foot in the grave and another foot on a banana peel. There’s a sickness in SF, it’s very nearly terminal, and Doctor Warpig…
Amazon Draws Genre Lines

Amazon Draws Genre Lines

Amazon has warned romance authors not to list their books in the science fiction, fantasy, or children's categories. I think this is a smart move on Amazon's part, even though I'm notorious for bending genres in my own books. Proponents of the Pulp Revolution who argue that contemporary genre delineations…
Rabid Puppies 3

Rabid Puppies 3

With the Hugo voting rules changed and Sad Puppies MIA, The Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil and his Vile Faceless Minions have taken a step back to assess the fruits of past Hugo campaigns and adjust tactics accordingly. The result is Rabid Puppies 2017! From the…
Soul Cycle TPB Sale

Soul Cycle TPB Sale

Tor Books has slashed the hardcover pre-order price of John Scalzi's The Collapsing Empire to $15.41 two weeks prior to its release. As a demonstration of how nontraditional publishers can react to market forces with greater agility and flexibility than the Big Five New York publishers, I'm pleased to announce that the…


Did you miss the latest episode of Geek Gab when it aired live? That's OK. Catch the replay of our exciting conversation with audiobook narrator JimFear138 on YouTube below or listen to the audio only version on SoundCloud. Thanks to Jim for sharing some of the secrets of professional audiobook…
3 for 3 Amazon Review Day

3 for 3 Amazon Review Day

Today is 3/3, and Puppy of the Month Book Club contributor Jon Mollison has declared that it is also 3 for 3 Amazon review day. How do you participate in 3 for 3 Day? It's simple. Pick 3 books you've read but haven't reviewed yet. Write a 3 sentence review…
Souldancer Book of the Year Nomination

Souldancer Book of the Year Nomination

The Conservative-Libertarian Fiction Alliance has announced that my novel Souldancer, which won the 2016 Dragon Award for Best Horror Novel, has been nominated for 2016 CLFA Book of the Year. The nominations are in and counted, and the CLFA is thrilled to present our ten finalists for the CLFA Book…