Get off the Bench

Get off the Bench

Accurate information is required to engage in any kind of conflict, be it social, spiritual, or--and this is best avoided--physical. To paraphrase Sun Tzu, if we lack a realistic understanding of ourselves and our enemy, we can't expect victory. Time to face reality. The enemy spent the last hundred years…
Abusive Parasocial Relationship

Abusive Parasocial Relationship

Before he was driven into soft exile from every major streaming platform, the internet's court jester Mister Metokur declared that the typical YouTuber's career lasts roughly five years. Happily, that window is closing on one of the more odious byproducts of Hollywood's fealty to the Death Cult--nerd culture outrage channels.For…
Aughts Nostalgia

Aughts Nostalgia

The accepted wisdom among creators in the new counterculture holds that there will be no aughts nostalgia movement as there is for the last decades of the 20th century. Western cultural development stagnated and finally started eating itself circa 1997. Therefore, the lion's share of media products after that point…
A 1980s Loser

A 1980s Loser

... lived like a king by today's standards. Readers over a certain age will remember the house above as the one used for exterior shots of the house from the Fox sitcom Married... with Children. The series chronicled the life and times of Al Bundy, a shoe salesman going through…
Zoomers vs Coomers

Zoomers vs Coomers

A major backlash against the Death Cult is fomenting among Generation Z. Consider the following chart. Look closely at the generational trends in attitudes toward pornography. At first, you may be inclined to lament that more Zoomers want porn to stay legal than any other generation polled. But on closer…
Dissident Cinema

Dissident Cinema

One windfall of the Star Wars sequel trilogy fiasco is that it clued millions of ordinary people in to what folks in the counterculture have known for years: Hollywood isn't in the business of producing entertainment for a profit. Instead, the movie industry has become a propaganda factory for the…


Going back to the dawn of history, human civilization perpetuated itself in the form of knowledge handed down from one generation to the next. This statement may seem glaringly obvious--and in any other age it would be--but something unprecedented happened in the 1960s in the West.The parents of generations X…
The Big Banks vs The Big Short

The Big Banks vs The Big Short

Subverting the hero of legend is a fad that's risen to prominence in postmodern fiction. Years back, Brandon Sanderson wrote a take on the trope wherein the dark lord wins. Instead of having a new hero rise up to depose the tyrant, he had a gang of rogues rob the…
Time Machine

Time Machines

Did you know that you own a time machine? As a matter of fact, you probably own several. Even if you don't have all the necessary components, any missing parts of your homemade time machine will be relatively easy and cost-effective to obtain. In this post, I will tell you…
You Can’t Save Everyone

You Can’t Save Everyone

Alric Hart pens a scathing rebuke of current pop culture and correctly points out that, as much as you might want to, you can't save everyone from the Pop Cult. We are constantly stormed by product of bad quality and malicious intent. Turn on your TV, and wait for something…