Martyrdom Is Coming

The next time some Fox News viewer tries to tell you that the current chaos is a result of conflicting 19th century economic theories, show him this video: Republican candidate for local office and professed Catholic Conor Martin documented the attack on Twitter. Yesterday, while praying for peace and unity…
Expulsion from Paradise

Expulsion from Paradise

Loyal readers know that a key mission of this blog is shedding light on Hollywood's hatred of their audience. Much as A Bridge Too Far proves Pigman's Caine-Hackman hypothesis, the1998 movie Pleasantville epitomizes Hollywood Death Cultism. YouTuber Devon Stack, who reviews movies with a keen eye for both literary criticism and propaganda,…
No Going Back

No Going Back

A common illusion that many in the counterculture labor under is the notion that all we need to do is find the right political solution. Then the Death Cult with its riots and bizarre public rituals will be swept away, and America will go back to the high culture of the…
Amicable Divorce

Amicable Divorce

A while back, the Audacious Epigone ran the numbers on the issue of American secession. Here's what emerged. Graph by Audacious Epigone AE's comment: There is no longer any racial, religious, moral, cultural, political, linguistic, or ethnic unity in the US as it is currently defined. The last remaining bond…
Rhetoric and Witches

Rhetoric and Witches

With the latest round of race riots providing an orgy of evidence for everything I've said about the Death Cult, it's no stretch to say that Witch hunting is in season. Since I disavow violence, unlike the Witches, the trials and sentencing will be conducted rhetorically. That doesn't mean engaging…
Not Hyperbole

Not Hyperbole

There are those who rebuke me for indulging in hyperbole when I refer to the Left as a Death Cult. These critics cling to the ConInc narrative that the impetus behind the Left's ravaging of America is communist ideology. Our enemies, they insist, aren't spiritually motivated. Instead, they're effete losers…


Until quite recently, there were still people who thought I was engaged in hyperbole by calling the malignant force that's swept our institutions a Death Cult. If this weekend's riots proved one thing to normal people, it's the reality that there's a militant legion of fanatics at enmity with them.…
early 80s

The High 90s

A raging debate between members of Generation Y and the Millennials revolves around this question: Which decade was superior--the 1980s or the 1990s? As with the prevailing generational models themselves, cultural eras defy easy sorting into neat and tidy boxes. What we tend to think of as 1960s culture, for…
Victory Defeated JRPGs

Victory Defeated JRPGs

Besides writing best selling books, I've kept myself occupied during the Corona-chan lock down by going back and playing some classic games. Mainly I've been revisiting celebrated titles from console gaming's 8 and 16-bit golden age. To say it's been a trip down memory lane would be an understatement. I've…
The War on Meaning

The War on Meaning

A common observation made about the Left is their penchant for projection. If you want to know what kind of shenanigan a Leftist is up to, the old saw goes, pay attention to what he accuses others of doing. Conservatives aren't immune to projection, though. Most notably, they tend to…