Mean Heathers

Mean Heathers

Hollywood producers long ago figured out that they could repackage audiences' high school experience and sell it back to them. It's a testament to human vanity that a four year stint in what now amounts to a juvenile detention center can be glamorized into a long-running subgenre. As with everything,…
Humiliation Rituals

Humiliation Rituals

People have slowly started to notice a new fad gaining traction among our ruling class. Check your social media feeds or the entertainment news, and odds are you'll see a piece extolling the virtues of eating bugs. As if it had to be said again, you should never take our…
Crotch Worship

Crotch Worship

Let this recent Twitter exchange serve to remind you that atheism is incompatible with traditionalism and nationalism.         Materialist atheists are not of the Right because they do not share the Right's essential motives. Historically, the Right were defined as those who supported throne and altar against…
They All Float

They All Float

In the midst of a recent Twitter debate with author Jon Del Arroz over the comic book industry's blacklisting of Conservative Christians, Bleeding Cool Head Writer Rich Johnston made himself the latest candidate for the Witch Test.     Once again, the pure element rejects those who consort with evil.…
It’s All on You

It’s All on You

Best selling author Jon Del Arroz delivered an urgent plea for sanity on the part of comic book fans in a recent Periscope. Here's a sampling of Jon's wisdom, somewhat redacted for time and clarity. Be attentive! Marvel made this announcement about...they're giving JJ Abrams and his son a miniseries…
Generation Screwed

Generation Screwed

Or more accurately, generations, plural, though this bleak Zero Hedge article only mentions Millennials. “There was a great deal of interest [in millennials], but there wasn’t as much due diligence around that group," she said. "We’ve generalized them as a certain type of person, [but] the reality is the rubber…
A Tale of Two Cults

A Tale of Two Cults

Repeating the ancient observation that human beings are wired for worship is all the rage these days. Even hardcore atheists are fond of garnishing their rhetoric with that old chestnut. The follow up is usually an argument that treats piety as an evolutionary mistake, like an appendix prone to inflammation.…
The Final White Pill

The Final White Pill

Computing Forever joins the small but growing ranks of prominent YouTubers who are abandoning atheism and returning to the faith of their fathers. CF's account of his teenage break from his childhood Catholic faith, his wanderings through the dark valleys of atheism and Leftism, and the life-altering event that brought…
Violent Magical Thinking

Violent Magical Thinking

If you still entertain the notion that Hollywood operates primarily from a profit motive, consider the response to Georgia's abortion ban from companies like Netflix and Disney. Bob Iger said it would be “very difficult” for Disney to keep filming in Georgia if the state enacts a new abortion law. …
Masculinity Quiz Answers

Masculinity Quiz Answers

In our previous post, I gave a quiz testing readers' understanding of masculinity. Many thanks to those who posted their answers in the comments. It's encouraging to see such a high level of participation. For those just joining us, and as a reminder, readers were presented with five sets of…