A True Culture Warrior

A True Culture Warrior

The SF SJWs have responded to The Secret Kings' nomination for this year's Best Science Fiction Novel Dragon Award with a familiar Narrative. SJWs always double down. Last year, they tried to DISQUALIFY Souldancer's Dragon win after the fact based on its number of Amazon reviews. Now they're trying to preemptively…
PulpRev Reactions

PulpRev Reactions

Cirsova offers a warning to the #PulpRev in response to the reader feedback I posted pertaining to the Superversive and Pulp Revolution movements. To me, the biggest difference between the two movements is that the Superversive movement is defined by its pursuit of the ideal of “superversive” while the Pulp…
Superversive vs. PulpRev

Superversive vs. PulpRev

This past weekend I had the pleasure of meeting a few of my readers for dinner and lively conversation. We talked for hours on a wide range of subjects, which as you'd expect of SFF fans getting some personal time with an author whose work they enjoy, included several hot…
Moral Cowards

Moral Cowards

My recent exchange with a British Twitter user in the wake of the Charlie Gard decision provides a case study in the moral cowardice of those who preen about their support for using the state to strip parents of their rights. As the record shows, it didn't take long for…
A World without Politics

A World without Politics

File the latest analog mindset Tourette's spasm from Scalzi & friends under  SF SJWs Always Double Down. H/t @Azu-Rayn “Dear whomever: Kiss my ass,” author John Scalzi tells a room full of fans. The crowd laughs and applauds. Scalzi, who is a Hugo award-winning science fiction author of novels like Old…


The Z Man shines some much-needed light on the ruling class' attempts to stifle debate through the deliberate corruption of language. Maybe it has always been true, but it seems like we live in an age of esoteric language or pseudo-language. Everyone is familiar with the gag of using “undocumented…
This Is Not Fine

This Is Not Fine

Author JD Cowan delivers a stinging rebuke to proselytes for the Cult of the New: It is a fascinating mentality to have. Imagine being so dismissive and scared of the past that one can't admit there were aspects of it better than where we live in the present. Now there…
The Last Jedi Will Ruin Luke Skywalker

The Last Jedi Will Ruin Luke Skywalker

Mark Hamill's nerd bona fides need no elaboration. He might be the only one left who's competent to write a Star Wars movie. You doubt me? Check out what he said about the debacle that was Episode VII's climax: Hamill has a lot of thoughts on how Luke might have…

Remember the Mall?

It's surprisingly difficult to explain to people born after the 1980s just how central the local shopping mall was to a community's social and economic life. I remember when social conservatives would lament that nobody went to church anymore, and that malls were the new, secular temples. Now people still…
The Last Megastars

The Last Megastars

Reader Michael Gross chimes in on my post about the tragic death of Chris Cornell with comments on the music industry that are so incisive, they merit his own guest post: Music started to worsen in the 90s as the music industry sabotaged itself (so to speak) as sales declined…