Deciphering the Sci-fi Color Code

Deciphering the Sci-fi Color Code

Jasyn Jones' latest Pulp Revolution essay has sparked a fascinating discussion over at the Castalia House blog. One mystery that the CH commenters have deciphered for uninitiated readers is the meaning of the color code that categorizes science fiction works into Red, Pink, or Blue SF. Daddy Warpig kicks off…
A Tale of Two Sci-fis

A Tale of Two Sci-fis

If the dirty little secret that trad publishing plays gatekeeper to make or break authors' careers based on politics, a recent spree of blackballings blew the doors off of that skeleton-filled closet. Consider if you will, the story of one Jon Del Arroz: I had grown up in this community…
The Great Harry Potter Tweetstorm

The Great Harry Potter Tweetstorm

And now, we turn the proceedings over to @ClarkHat, who has produced another consciousness-expanding tweetstorm for our delight. Preamble: Clark's tweets were precipitated by: The epidemic of unimaginative Leftists latching on to Harry Potter memes to soothe their cognitive dissonance This article explaining the sociological implications of Rowlings books A follow…
MILO Rioters: “Hate” Isn’t the Word They’re Looking For

MILO Rioters: “Hate” Isn’t the Word They’re Looking For

Last night, what was to be the final stop on Milo Yiannopoulos' Dangerous Faggot Tour was cancelled as self-styled antifascists, lacking reasoned arguments against Milo's words, descended into savage violence. Milo fans and Trump supporters were assaulted with rocks. A woman was pepper-sprayed. A man was dragged from his car and…
Forbidden Thoughts

Forbidden Thoughts

You are not supposed to read this book.  You are not supposed to think about reading this book.  In fact, just plain thinking at all is unacceptable.  You have been warned.... Introducing Forbidden Thoughts, the landmark anthology of wondrous, thrilling, and terrifying stories by authors who've been expelled from polite…
Escape from New York: Back to the Well

Escape from New York: Back to the Well

Tell me if this sounds familiar: a long-delayed new installment in a beloved groundbreaking franchise emerges from development limbo as a soft reboot of the original intended to launch a new franchise. And if that weren't crass and cynical enough, the whole project has been warped into a vehicle for…

Gavin McInnes: “Rogue One is going to flop.”

Gavin McInnes of Rebel Media shares my foreboding of Star Wars: Rogue One. Dear Hollywood: Please stop shoving social justice "homework" into movies and TV.  The forced diversity in every new show and film is just fake. Women don't fantasize about being "badass," and casting token black guys is just…
Fisking Kotaku’s Anti-Conan Hit Piece

Fisking Kotaku’s Anti-Conan Hit Piece

Monolith has a Conan board game coming out, and it looks totally sweet. Their customers agree, because the Kickstarter to fund the game has raised over three million dollars. Robert E. Howard fans will soon be mowing down miniature plastic Picts like wheat. Or they would if it weren't Current…
Star Wars: Rogue One – The Facade Cracks

Star Wars: Rogue One – The Facade Cracks

Image courtesy of Douglas Cootey [Insert standard disclaimer about it being poor form to say "I told you so", but...] Regular readers may remember how I warned Hollywood that moviegoers can only stomach so much cynical propaganda disguised as entertainment before a backlash sets in. The main impetus for that…