Souldancer, Soul Cycle Book II

Souldancer, Soul Cycle Book II

Image courtesy of Jeff Stachnik I'm pleased to announce that Souldancer, book 2 of the Soul Cycle, has been delivered to my editor. An unexpected phenomenon surrounding Nethereal's release was the feedback I got from readers; not just its unanimously positive nature--I didn't expect comparisons to John C. Wright and Brandon…
Return to Drunken Zombie

Return to Drunken Zombie

I recently made my second appearance on the Drunken Zombie podcast for the second time in three weeks! Have I finally overstayed my welcome? Find out as Bryan, Dave, Randy,Wes, and I comment on the Universal Pictures classic Bride of Frankenstein. There are also lengthy discussions of comics, anime, science…

Author Cleve Sylcox Praises Nethereal

While checking to make sure that Nethereal has been removed from every online retailer but Amazon so I can qualify for KDP Select, I happened upon this review by Cleve Sylcox. The cover promises epic space opera and galaxy-bestriding conflict. The book delivers. There’s no higher praise. Nor can I think…
Drunken Zombie Had Me Back for Some Reason

Drunken Zombie Had Me Back for Some Reason

I went on the Drunken Zombie podcast again last night to talk about horror movies, general geekery, and my writing. The DZ crew were kind enough to let me plug Nethereal and Sci Phi Journal. So I owe them a debt of thanks once again. For those of you who are unfamiliar…
The Advent of Somewhither

The Advent of Somewhither

John C. Wright's latest novel is here! What is the whimsically titled Somewhither about? The long answer is that SOMEWHITHER will be in the same category as THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE but if, instead of being a good fairy tale and well written children’s book, the author was an…
Reviewer Praise for Nethereal

Reviewer Praise for Nethereal

The Millennial King was recently kind enough to devote an in-depth review to my book. In a delightful twist of form I've never seen before, he wrote his post as if he were a theater critic reviewing an opera based on Nethereal (which is appropriate, considering it's a space opera). Overall,…
Nethereal Is Now Available

Nethereal Is Now Available

My first novel, Nethereal, is now live on Amazon. For old school folks, the paperback is available from CreateSpace. Here's the description: A woman like no other who longs for acceptance. A precision killer inspired by the dream of his captain. The last member of a murdered race, fighting to…

Novella Book Bomb

Today only, Larry Correia is hosting a Book Bomb for novellas on the Sad Puppies 3 Hugo slate. The idea behind a Book Bomb is to sell as many copies as possible in one day to maximize the book's Amazon ranking. Today's featured titles include One Bright Star to Guide Them by…
Shameless Flogging

Shameless Flogging

What would you do if the world kept ending, and you were the only one who knew it? That's my brilliant editor's tagline for my new short story "Strange Matter", available now in SCI PHI JOURNAL #3. My pitch was China Syndrome meets Groundhog Day, but his is better. "Strange Matter" is the hardest sci-fi tale…