The Bravest Cry, Boris Tošić

Hear “The Bravest Cry”

You demanded it, now it's here! The Burned Book original theme song, "The Bravest Cry" by pro composer Boris Tošić, is now available! This, the first-ever original song produced for one of my books, is a major milestone in our crowdfunding efforts. And you get to hear for yourself. Listen…
IndieScan 11

Ironage IndieScan

One unexpected but welcome windfall of my recent public commitment to neopatronage is the number of fellow authors who have likewise embraced the concept. Launching my patron pages and my latest crowdfunding campaign has given me the chance to talk with many other authors. Once they understand the new model,…
Burned Book Campaign Card

Burned Book Early Access

I plunged readers into a haunting world of dark magic and deep mystery with my Dragon Award-winning Soul Cycle. Now I'm revealing the secret history behind this captivating epic in its highly anticipated prequel, The Burned Book. Dark intrigue. Blood magic. Vicious Battle. Who can move a world standing on these pillars? An…
Mousetrap Murders Banner

The Mousetrap Murders

Today's newpub showcase features a crime thriller by one of my cherished clients. And it's no stretch to tell you that I would recommend this taut mystery novel even if I hadn't edited it. See for yourself what I mean: A man wakes up in his car, unaware of how…
Tech Guide 2 APOD Cover 640

Tech Guide 2 Is Go

The new tech guide is here. Get yours now! The lushly illustrated Combat Frame Tech Guide II is now available on Amazon in digital and print! Like our first guide, the eBook makes a handy reference for the novels' white-knuckle mech action that's ready to go whenever and wherever you…
Final Home

The Final Home

It's newpub book spotlight time! This one's a bit overdue, but good things come to those who wait. From our good friend, author Alexander Hellene: The Reaper has landed! His mission: find the secret of immortality and destroy any who stand in his way. With the Global Union closign in…

Gemini Drifter

Author JD Cowan returns with the second awesome installment in his Gemini Man series! ON THE ROAD TO NOWHERE Matthew and Jason are on the run. With bounty hunters, magical monsters, and an entire alien world after them, the pair have their work cut out for them. At the same…
strong female character

Decoding the Amazon

Author J. Ishiro Finney decodes the Strong Female Character™ trope in his new book Boobs of Steel: Decoding the Amazon. Lara Croft... Power Girl... Tifa Lockhart... They're three of the most loved and loathed characters in all pop-culture. Since the late 1990s all three have also been favorite targets for…
Mighty Sons of Hercules

Mighty Sons of Hercules

Cirsova returns with a neopatronage nod to the sword and sandals epics of 1950s cinema - now in an all-new fantasy anthology: Long ago, in ages past... there were men who travelled the world, seeking adventure. Fighting injustice, defending the weak and the helpless, looking to right wrongs wherever they…
Gemini Warrior

Gemini Warrior

Gemini Warrior (Gemini Man Book 1) is now available from newpub author JD Cowan. TWO MEN; ONE POWER Matthew and Jason are just two nobodies in a city of heroes and villains. But when they are given bracelets that endow them with powers, and then get thrown into a whole…