Amaranth Angels

Neopatronage Ascendant

Big news broke in the indie comics world this week as the upcoming manga Amaranth Angels met its ambitious funding goal. The brainchild of Ascendant Fiction writer Yakov Merkin and artist Philip San Gaspar, this sci fi adventure features all you could ever want ... Cute girls in space. Watch…
Newpub Neopatronage

Newpub: Neopatroange

The moment you try searching Amazon for a book you want to read, it becomes clear that something has gone quite wrong. Maybe it's vacant-eyed bugmen obsessed with fixing what's not broken throwing wrenches in the works. Perhaps it's cynical pens-for-hire hijacking the algorithm with payola. Or maybe it's outright…
Neopatronage Rising

Neopatronage Rising

Innovation is a constant series of creative disruptions. When new ideas meet an established system that's no longer fit for purpose, the result is a shakeup of the order, followed by a new status quo. That's what happened over a decade ago when Amazon put a Kindle in everyone's hands,…
Mighty Sons of Hercules

Mighty Sons of Hercules

Cirsova returns with a neopatronage nod to the sword and sandals epics of 1950s cinema - now in an all-new fantasy anthology: Long ago, in ages past... there were men who travelled the world, seeking adventure. Fighting injustice, defending the weak and the helpless, looking to right wrongs wherever they…
Sanderson's Neopatronage Masterclass

Sanderson’s Neopatronage Masterclass

Back in March, this blog reported on rock star author Brandon Sanderson's all-time number one Kickstarter campaign. At the time of that writing, Sanderson's crowdfunder had amassed over $35 million, an unprecedented sum not only for a book project, but for the crowdfunding site itself. But in a recent update…
Nepatron Brandon

Neopatron Brandon

Longtime readers of this blog will know that a core theme here is charting the death of oldpub and trying to envision what comes next. I predicted oldpub's demise years ago, not that it takes a prophet to foresee that a business locked into expanding its share of a contracting…

The Bravalanche

A concept introduced on this blog that's gained some traction in newpub is the neopatronage model. Though still developing, this is the proposition that societal changes will cause a shift away from the old entertainment business model. Instead of artists selling their rights to corporations in exchange for access to…

Neopatronage Revisited

In light of Amazon's latest shenanigans, this time involving Dragon Award-winning mega best seller Nick Cole, author Benjamin Cheah revisits my concept of neopatronage. During the Renaissance, the wealthy supported up-and-coming artists through a patronage system. The artist was able to earn a living and create masterworks. The wealthy in…