Veil of the Void

Veil of the Void Yggdrasil

Vikings and mecha, you say? Look no further ... The Realm of Riachtan has long been at relative peace. There haven't been any major wars or galactic-wide threats to shake up the norm for quite some time. That is all about to change, however, as whispers of Ragnarök are on…
Secrets of Seven Point Plot Structure

Secrets of Seven Point Plot Structure

We all know fledgling writers who've spent months or even years engaged in meticulous world building. But when it comes time to tell a story in their lush secondary worlds, the plot spins its wheels. How can a writer have planned every detail of his fantasy world down to the…

How to Master Perspective and Tense

If you've taken up the challenge of writing fiction, two essential steps toward achieving your goal are understanding narrative point of view and narrative tense. Too many new authors either don’t understand these powerful authorial tools, or they don’t use them to maximum effect. So today, we'll explore point of…
Newpub Talk Z Strike

Return to Newpub Talk

A couple of high-profile boycott campaigns have captured Conservatives' attention lately. It's understandable that middle America would get jazzed about giving beer, sports, and retail megacorps what for, despite the effects being almost all symbolic. Since January of 2021, the realization has been growing among normal people that the system…
Genre Fiction

The Power of Genre

If you’re a new author reading this post, and you’re not out to become a self-help guru, odds are you’re interested in writing genre fiction. Let’s talk about how to approach writing fantasy, horror, mystery, and sci fi. First, it’s important to understand that genres aren’t just labels. They are…

Purpose and Placement

We’ve covered the importance of dramatic tension in scenes. Now let’s talk about how to structure them in a way that maximizes their impact. Scene structure is crucial to a novel’s success. A well-ordered scene can keep readers engaged and invested in the story, while a poorly structured scene can…
Gemini Outsider

Gemini Man: The Complete Series

Author JD Cowan is launching a 3-book superhero adventure. And he's inviting you along for the thrill ride! My name is JD Cowan and I am a writer of weird action stories full of strangeness and hotblooded intensity. Today I wish to share with you my next project, a full…
Drama Club

Quit the Drama Club

Social media's rise to dominance as the indispensable marketing channel has has spawned the omnipresent phenomenon of eDrama. Nor are authors immune to the lure of chasing clout online at others' expense. That's true regardless of whether you signed with fakepub or self-publish. That's why every how-to guide aimed at…
Reagan Thaatcher Clancy

Set Yourself up for Success

Most folks in newpub unconsciously stumble out of the gate by calling themselves "indie authors". I know I did. But newpub means more than writing. If you go indie, you accept all the responsibilities of an author AND a publisher. As a result of indies' author-centric focus, a lot of…
Selling Books, Negocios Rentables

How to Write Blurbs that Sell Books

I'm glad for the help, because as I've said here before, a good product description is one of the most vital elements of newpub success. Newpub is always changing. That means your knowledge of the field has to keep growing if you want to succeed. Conferring and collaborating with brilliant…