State of the Union

President Donald Trump delivered his first State of the Union address to Congress last night. In the hours leading up to the speech, many of the President's supporters voiced their hope that Trump would use the occasion to bludgeon his opponents by, say, reciting the FISA memo verbatim. Others expressed…
Fake Journalists vs. EVS

Fake Journalists vs. EVS

DC Comics artist Ethan Van Sciver is no stranger to controversy. As one of the few openly conservative professionals working in a heavily converged industry, he's attracted the ire of the SJW mob before. Matters took a sinister and bizarre turn when Twelve Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by…
Together or Separately

Together or Separately

The legacy media propaganda machine is currently mobilizing for a two minutes hate against Dr. Jordan Peterson. Apparently the good doctor went on the Beeb to point out some basic facts about economics and human psychology that your average high school student used to take for granted. The journo they…
The Fake News Awards

The Fake News Awards

President Donald Trump has announced the winners of his highly anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards. Here are the fakest news stories of 2017: 1. The New York Times’ Paul Krugman claimed on the day of President Trump’s historic, landslide victory that the economy would never recover. 2. ABC News' Brian…
Devil’s Advocate

Devil’s Advocate

Reader Xavier chimes in to play devil's advocate regarding yesterday's post. Brian.Outstanding post. Let me play devil's advocate. I think the Benedict/St Anthony of the desert option is one of the choices in a multifaceted strategy. We also need the Franciscan one of engaging the world the Dominican at the…
Fifth Columnists

Fifth Columnists

The war to save Western civilization stands at a turning point. For years, the West seemed fated for terminal decline into a dystopia micromanaged by SJW kommissars. #GamerGate, Sad Puppies, and the election of Donald Trump offered hope that the tide was turning against anti-civilizational madness. At this moment, neither…
Case in Point

Case in Point

Pursuant to yesterday's post on the internal contradictions that have left Conservatives powerless to fight the culture war, I present the following tweets: That's author Jon Del Arroz tweeting about National Review Online writer Kevin D. Williamson's response to MAGA 2020 and Beyond from Superversive Press. If Williamson's name rings a bell,…
They’re Daft

They’re Daft

It's encouraging to see that more and more people are catching on to a fact I've done my best to publish far and wide, viz. that so-called Conservatives have no intention of conserving Western culture. Superversive SF blogger Dawn Witzke calls out Conservative media figures who complain ad nauseam about…
The Currentest of Years

The Currentest of Years

Dragon Award loser John Scalzi has come down with writer's block. The cause of the Tor author's affliction? President Donald Trump and the weather: I started Head On in January with the plan to be done in the first half of the year, to leave the rest of the year…
Soft Narcissism

Soft Narcissism

Alex over at Amatopia continues the discussion on conservatism's cultural failures begun by myself and Rawle Nyanzi. Alex's contribution is to go a bit more in-depth about why conservatives abandoned the field to Leftists in the arts. I contend that by abandoning the arts, conservatives created this illusion of being…