I’m thrilled to announce that I’m teaming up with Castalia House to promote the launch of Grow or Die: The Good Guide to Survival Gardening. This guide to post-apocalyptic gardening, the second in David the Good’s series, has already reached #1 in its category.
As a special bonus to their subscribers, Castalia House is offering my space opera/horror novel Nethereal for free to Castalia New Release members who buy Grow or Die within the first three days.
Congratulations to David, and thanks to Vox, the rest of the Castalia House team, and our readers.
Update: according to last night’s KDP report, yesterday’s sales of Nethereal exceeded my daily average for the last month by almost 50x. The Kindle version is also holding steady in the top 300 in Space Opera and the top 18k on Amazon overall. Those rankings are both an order or magnitude better than they were on Sunday.
My sincere thanks go out to Vox Day, David the Good, and everyone at Castalia House. If I understand correctly, CH is planning more of these free giveaway bundles with their new releases in the future.
The International Lord of Hate sagely advises authors not to do free without a plan. In my experience, Castalia House has a plan, and it’s worth being a part of. I encourage other writers to get in on future promotions.
Still keeping up the good work on stealth marketing for for Souldancer I see. And I thought that reducing the the price of Nethereal to $.99 when your comment on Larry's blog went viral was a brilliant move. This seems like a great idea to leverage more eyeballs.
I also look forward to see how the relationship between you and Castailia house progresses in the future.
Thanks for the compliments. In all honesty, the price drop coinciding with the comment at MHN was an unplanned alignment of stars. You're right about the current giveaway, though.
On the subject of Souldancer, final revisions to the text are done. I've sent the MS to Marcelo. Will keep my readers posted.
As for CH, very few people and organizations are willing to give opportunities to hungry noobs these days. I've devoted considerable time and effort these years to building relationships in publishing–both indie and trad.
The ELoE is the only group whose members have consistently given me a fair hearing and offered real material help. For all of the opposition's blustering about what vile human beings they are, Vox, John, and Larry have all given me a hand–more than once–while their detractors brushed me off, implied I'm a neo-Nazi, etc.
One side knows how to build loyalty and form friendships. They've got mine.