A+ list rapper Kanye West coming out as a Trump supporter perfectly demonstrates the crucial importance of retaking cultural ground, which Conservatives have been ignoring for decades.

You can tell that Kanye’s Trumpism has struck a massive blow to the Left’s cultural hegemony by their unhinged reaction to his escape from the plantation. Candace Owens gets it.

And it’s spreading.

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Unfortunately, Chance appears to have walked back his statements but Kanye's situation is interesting. Even if he is not saying anything particularly surprising and even if this is a publicity stunt, he has still dealt a blow to the Left.
I found it rather fascinating that John Legend was sent out to bring back Caine to the island.
Note how his previous mental problem is brought up again. Gee where did I hear it before?
O yeah killing while alu akbarring
Chance is about to learn why you never apologize to the Left. Sad.
Well if he's smart,he'll learn the lesson. And double down nut not backing down
>Shania Twain and Chance the Rapper honestly speak their minds.
>A hate mob descends upon them, tearing them to shreds when they apologize, and then do so even worse after the apology.
>Kanye honestly speaks his mind.
>A hate mob descends upon him.
>Kanye: Yo, I'm running for president in 2024!
Let this be a lesson to us all.
Never apologize. Never!
If either party would let Kanye make it to the general election, he'd win.
By 2024, either Party may not matter anymore. We can hope, at least.
True. The larger point is, there's only one bifactional ruling party, anyway. Furthermore, it must be destroyed.
Kanye and Charlie Sheen for 2024! Dragon energy and Tiger blood for the win!
I’d love it. It would be the biggest example in the public spotlight of just how asinine liberal democracy really is. I hear both Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson and Oprah are considering running in the future too.
John Glubb had the right of it. A sign of the collapse of an empire is when the cultural heroes of your nation are actors, musicians, celebrities and whores.
"A sign of the collapse of an empire is when the cultural heroes of your nation are actors, musicians, celebrities and whores."
Indeed. Even if the Emperor is able to implement every item of his agenda without the bifactional ruling party and the petty tyrants in black robes interfering, MAGA will, at most, keep the American Empire on life support for an additional 30 years or so. Trump has already bought us time. The question is: What will we do with it?
Oprah won't run. She's already been linked to the more egregious #metoo offenders. Odds are that's just the tip of the iceberg. The sordid details that would emerge if she were put under the national candidate microscope (referring "talent" to Weinstein, for example) make her run a non-starter.
“What will we do with it?”
Good question. I’m not sure I have a good answer. Personally, I support the cultural work on our side of the war; I talk to friends and family to win them over on the important issues; I fight in the small political spheres that I can such as local government and my Catholic parish; and I’m transitioning to a career that has international demand and a multinational licensure/testing to make it easier to get the fam out of dodge if I need to; and seeking a secondary citizenship via jus sanguinis laws; purchasing firearms and ammo when I can and training on them.
It’s a tough space when you know the collapse is inevitable. You have to fight the good fight if only to stall and hurt the enemy, but you need to plan for retreat options too if for some reason the fight can’t be won.
"Good question."
Good answer.