Yesterday I mentioned comic artist Ethan Van Sciver’s account of his amicable separation from DC Comics. Ethan’s a decent guy–the kind of normie entrepreneur, husband, and father one could once be in America before peak SJW convergence. It’s good to know he isn’t fretting over where his next meal is coming from since his independent Cyberfrog comic just raised over $200,000.
I take comfort in knowing that creators like EVS are out there, humbly making new culture to replace what the Morlocks befouled. I experience an altogether different emotion when I hear of the diabolical persecution SJWs subject honest family men like Ethan to.
In a recent video, EVS revealed more details about his parting of the ways with DC. In short, a rabid SJW named Tim Doyle stirred up such a social media shitstorm by doxxing Ethan’s finances that Ethan faced the choice of shutting down the YouTube and Twitter accounts he’d labored to build or departing from DC. Adding insult to injury, Doyle’s doxx pertained to a time of extreme crisis in Ethan’s family life.
From the transcript:
…Tim Doyle went into my records he looked me up and he found out that the house that I shared with my first wife who had divorced me was underwater. It was severely underwater. We’d only owned it for a little while. …it was very underwater I didn’t want to live there anymore. I didn’t want to live there anymore by myself; certainly not, and I was in love with my wife Andrea. I was in love and we needed to find a way to be together.
Andrea lived in New Jersey and I lived in North Carolina, and I needed to come home, and on top of that Andrea was pregnant, and she lost the baby. We lost the baby. There was an urgency to me being up in New Jersey, and Andrea couldn’t come here.
I take no pleasure in sharing the intimate personal details that Tim Doyle maliciously leaked and Ethan Van Sciver has since fully volunteered. It seems there’s simply no other way to drive home to normies still living in a fool’s paradise that there are no depths to which SJWs will not stoop to destroy us for pure hate’s sake. None.
I don’t regret it at all. It was the right thing to do. It’s the right thing to do, but we did lose the baby and we had to try again. I’m glad that we did, because now we have Ava, so I don’t regret that, but that’s nobody’s business, and to be treated like this publicly because I voted for Donald Trump; to try to have my life ruined, he’s gone too far.
Lest you chalk up Ethan’s revelation of Doyle’s motives to grief and rage-fueled hyperbole, here’s what the oxygen thief in question has to say for himself:

Is the totality of our enemies’ depravity sinking in, dearest normie? Do you, at long last, understand? Ethan Van Sciver does, and all it took was for a fiend in a sknsuit to broadcast his private financial information from the death of his unborn child–a monstrous act which the SJW smugly justifies with the simple observation that the victim voted for the popular and hugely successful duly elected President.
The SJW swarm behaves like a pack of maladjusted hyenas because experience has taught them they need fear no reprisal. They smear and destroy with impunity because no one, thus far, could be bothered to punish them.
Watching Ethan’s video, you can hear him wrestling with these grim truths.
…make no mistake, this is war. We’re in a war. We’re in a war to be normal people. We’re in a war to be normies.
“Culture War” is not a metaphor. The West is embroiled in a cold civil war between the forces of Christendom and the sons of Satan. The truth is dawning on EVS, but sadly, his Conservative conditioning will not allow him to draw the correct and inevitable conclusion from the facts.
I’m not gonna sue him. I’m not gonna sue him. I’m not gonna threaten. That’s not what we do, okay? We bear up under this, and we succeed.
When Ted Bundy is gnawing on your thigh, just ignore him and he’ll go away.
Ethan Van Sciver has done nothing to deserve such execrable treatment. The only one to blame for Tim Doyle’s calumnies is Tim Doyle. At the same time, we get the treatment we tolerate. A bully and a psychopath abuses innocent people because he’s a bully and a psychopath. But the victim’s response affects whether he continues to abuse that particular victim.
We can’t we can’t descend to these tactics. We can’t descend to this. What am I gonna do? Am I gonna investigate this guy? Am I gonna go find stuff out about him? That’s not what I’m gonna do. That’s not what we’re gonna do. That’s not who we are.

Very frequently relevant, indeed.
By tolerating abuse of yourself and those that you love, you are saying that that is indeed acceptable behavior.
On the one hand, I understand Ethan's reticence. Having to relive a miscarriage is such a painful burden in court is deeply traumatic. On the other hand this despicable revelation requires going to court. There has to be a reckoning for such odiousness
In Roman law countries Timmy contravention the right to privacy (intimacy in thexpelling legal language) and that of honour. These entitle the victim to exemplar damages (punitive in common law)
Not to mention about bad faith acquisition of financial documents. How did Timmy get a hold of those documents?
@Last Redoubt: Excellent post.
@Xavier: Tim Doyle is from Austin. Roman law doesn't apply.
EVS laid out the proper strategy himself. DC Comics has a policy in place forbidding their contractors and employees from discussing fellow DC associates' personal and business matters on social media. Our guys with the time and inclination could search Tim's social media feeds for any interactions with DC associates that violate this policy and report it to Dan DiDio and Jim Lee. SJWs will quickly find their pool of "inside sources" drying up when insiders start getting fired for talking to them.
Thanks for the correction. He struck me as someone from Britan. Go figure.
Aaa Ethan's mini version of drain the swamp(tm) Excellent!
Timmy will soon face a reckoning.
It's nice to see crusaders rise in these dark times.
Do not let the voices of cowardice tell you, "but that's not who we are. We must be better than them. We must set an example." No. Fight.
Especially in the target-rich environment of Lefties who've been coddled for decades by cowardly Conservatives.
It's entirely true. Hitting back at these people isn't personal vengeance, it's defense of their next victim. People like this are ALWAYS serial offenders, always habitual offenders, and they get better at what they do, over time. They build skills and networks. They attack more targets.
Refusing to testify, refusing to press charges against an assailant, isn't forgiveness, it's letting a monster go free. And this man is a lesser monster, perhaps, but the moral situation is the same.
Either this guy attacks because he likes to, or Ethan is just too provocative. Ethan knows how the guy gets when he's angry and dinner isn't ready. Ethan's skirt was too short. And so on.
When will people stop this victim-blaming nonsense?
Ethan Van Sciver is a good guy and a terrific artist who did nothing to deserve this awful treatment. Wish he'd nail Tim Doyle to the wall so no one has to suffer like this again. Love!
Tim has quite a few problems:
Every single one of the big names in Anti-ComicsGate is an evil, evil human being.
And the fact that so many of these fools ARE pros makes me not even want the industry to be saved. EVS's new way forward should be the standard.
Agreed. How come the European comic book industry hasn'the self destructed? Maybe because the creators still respect the readers and want to make money?
@JD: Richard has been an absolute terror to these comics SJWs. Pretty sure it's his Marine training.
@Xavier: European comics aren't relevant to the discussion, my dude. Please stay on topic.
Sorry. Thought it might be relevant to compare and reflect. That way we can salvage the comic book characters that belong to us.
No worries.
Ethan is expanding his scope by inviting other victims of the SJWs onto his youtube channel and giving them exposure. If he can continue to expand this it will represent quite lot of money that the mainstream comics companies could be, but won't be getting their hands on. The next step would be to morph into their own publisher and give Marvel and DC some competition.
Excellent news.