The American Library Association has removed the name of beloved American author Laura Ingalls Wilder from their children’s literary award.
Laura Ingalls Wilder’s name is set to be removed from a major children’s book award after concerns were raised about the “Little House on the Prairie” author’s depiction of certain races in the early-to-mid 20th century.
The Association of Library Service to Children’s (ALSC) board voted unanimously on Saturday to rename the “Laura Ingalls Wilder Award” as the “Children’s Literature Legacy Award.”
A close relative belonged to the ALA for years out of work-related necessity, so I’ve known for some time that they’re a contemptible hive of Leftist groupthink. Their latest round of virtue signaling is hardly a surprise.
Neither is this critical detail:
The association, which took the vote at its board meeting in New Orleans, said the vote “was greeted by a standing ovation by the audience in attendance.”
I’m going keep beating this drum until every oblivious normie is roused from his oblivious slumber. The Left hates you. They actively want to usurp and destroy your heritage, and they take vicious delight in cultural vandalism.
You could end the freak carnival tomorrow, America. When will you find the will to do it?
Perhaps you’ll find the inspiration by reading another series of award-winning novels.

This plays along nicely with the "you didn't build that" mentality, too.
No pioneers? The west was magically settled by no group of people in particular.
Bingo. Pre-Melting Pot, the pioneer identity, not the immigrant identity, was dominant in America.
My wife was a complete Laura Ingalls-Wilder fangirl growing up. She read Rose's books on her ma, biographies, even the cookbook. So it came as no surprise that she alerted me to this yesterday while I was at work.
What was surprising was her analysis. She thinks the racial aspect is a fig leaf, and what the ALA really objects to are the multiple and pervasive references to God and Christianity in a favorable light, especially as the racial "stereotypes" are barely there (a few mentions of Natives and one minstrel show). It's an interesting theory, and I'm not convinced she's wrong.
A scene from Wilder's work that's always stuck with me was her dad getting up before dawn on Sundays to hitch the horses to the wagon for their three-hour trip to church.
My wife agrees with your wife, Bibliophile. That was her thought too.
Now to replace it with a name that has no influence or impact and never will.
Let us just ready the plot to roll the corpse in when the death spasms stop.
Luckily, we can kick the ALA in after it the way things are going.
This can be regarded as a good thing:
Laura Ingalls Wilder's name no longer is associated with a worthless literary award that represents and is controlled by Loony Leftist filth, freaks, and crazies.
Laura's memory will live on. The award and the ALSC are committing ritual suicide within History.
Bury the award's ashes next to Che Buddy.
Her works are gonna live forever. The ALA? Not so much.
Over at the digital reader, the comments are universally derisive of the decision.
Nate chided me over Laura's alleged racism and I shot baking.
Bottom line she wasn'the a proto nazi/bolshev8k who influenced Hitler or Stalin.
Tell again why Sanger doesn'the get the same scrutiny?
In fact, establish a new award named for Wilder — one for Lovecraft — one for every discarded author of the West. Let these awards pronounce dedication to excellence in writing for entertainment, education, and cultural heritage, eschewing literary pretensions and nonsense.
Let the Leftist claim the useless, value-free literary awards and name them for the political and social failures of the past, present, and future. Let the anti-Western scum decay in the compost heap in which they chose to live.
Let the names of the Writers of the West be given to new awards that deny and denigrate the SJW Anti-American filth.
We take the wheat; leave the barbarians the chaff.
No retreat. No surrender. No mercy.
Total war.
Roll up your sleeves.
Great call to arms.
Which writers do you have in mind?
I'd start with Homer for poetry and epic narratives for a start
So it is written. So let it be done.
P.S. I want to read a Wilder-Lovecraft crossover story.
Hillybilly horror? Sounds like an awesome genre! How about Anne of Green Gables+Lovecraft?
I see some awesome stories given the mythos of both Lovecraft and the Scottish/Welsh/Irish and English ones
P.S. I want to read a Wilder-Lovecraft crossover story.
I'd want to illustrate that one!
While not as egregious as memory holing Ingalls-Wilder, here are the latest trends for book cover art and tell me if it's astoundingly bland and homogeneous? A passive aggressive attempt?
Certainly doesn't inspire me to read pull the books from a shelf or click on Amazon's link page