Alpha Geek Daddy Warpig shares news of the latest SJW kafkatrap disguised as entertainment.

Netflix’s trailer for its new series, Insatiable, is facing a backlash across social media for its apparent “fat-shaming” plot.
The series stars Debby Ryan as Patty, a high school teen who has been bullied because of her weight.
But some viewers have criticised for the way it appears to tackle the issue.
Ryan wears a fat suit for the role, while her classmates are seen calling her “fatty Patty” and making jokes about her in the trailer.
“Don’t watch shows where people wear fat suits. Don’t watch shows where they try to turn fat phobia and hatred into a joke,” one viewer tweeted.
As I’ve written before, there is no way to please SJWs. They are tantrum-throwing toddlers in pasty, soyfat adult bodies in perpetual search of a father figure to finally tell them “no”.
Schadenfreude bonus: B- list hollywood SJW Alyssa Milano draws the lardmob’s ire for playing a bit role in the anathematized show.

When there are no normies in blue checkmark Twitter, the Left will waddle the web. Every feminazi that is not bullycided gets up and shrills. The shitlibs it shrills get up and shrill.
And unlike Romero zombies, SJWs are more than eager to feed on each other. Don’t bother taking their bait. Just sit back, take in the internecine struggle session sparked by a vapid TV show, and laugh.

Ah, [Current Year]! Where the real issue is mocking a fat girl, rather than encouraging her to make the most of her youth by dropping the weight.
Being shamed into walking around the block and putting the Twinkies down is worse than dropping dead of a massive heart attack at 32. Perhaps being immortalized as the girl who's ham hock leg was pulled on to an oversized stretcher by an EMT is worth it for some people?
The show itself is another recycled My Fair Lady clone, it's not even a new idea.
"The show itself is another recycled My Fair Lady clone, it's not even a new idea."
More proof that these people are talentless parasites.
As someone who struggled with his weight throughout the his youth, I fully support friends pushing their fat friends to lose weight.
I think they should revive the Biggest loser. That was a very good show that really showed positive results.
And everyone became much more attractive and joyful.
The left has to promote all of the deadly sins, so gluttony was gonna happen. I look forward to next year when laziness is not allowed to be shamed because its inherent and a non-harmful lifestyle choice.
"The left has to promote all of the deadly sins…"
Most of all envy.
Already happened with sloth:
Keep an eye on She Guevara Latina Socialitesta twitter feeds, it's on deck
I wonder if the lightning fast sacking of James Gunn is a sign things really are changing. Sure it's more outrage mob hysteria, but it rarely ever affects the ones it really should. This one really came out of nowhere and was dealt with in record time.
If I were the suspicious type, I'd say there's more going on here than Disney suddenly growing a conscience and severing ties with a cretin who made pedophilia jokes.
Next to the Captain America franchise, Guardians of the Galaxy has been Disney's least-pozzed series. That could mean nothing, but perhaps James Gunn failed to burn his pinch of incense to SocJus in the proper amounts at the prescribed times.
It's all gotta burn. Only way to make sure the virus is purged.
I have marshmallows!
All it really does is make MCU even less enticing post-Avengers 4. People are looking for excuses to walk away, and they're finding them.
The hero of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is Yondu Udonta, a child trafficker. He kidnapped thousands of children across the galaxy and sold them to Ego.
IIRC, at no point does he repent and atone for ripping apart thousands of families and sending thousands of children to their deaths. It's only bad to kidnap thousands of children when they end up dead, apparently.
The movie gives him a touching hero's funeral at the end.
It made me ill. Nobody else seemed to notice this huge plot point.
It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that the movie's writer and director is a pedophile.
I must've spaced out when they revealed Yondu was a child-trafficker, which happened to me a lot during GotG 2. Good catch.
1:57 in this clip:
I'll never understand why people want to support an unhealthy lifestyle. Healthy at any size is a lie. My cousin's 25 year old wife passed away being obese. I'd say it's actually another attack on femininity and beauty. Also an embrace of laziness and lack of self improvement. The show itself will be forgettable moments after it's release. I really need to get rid of my netflix account.
Dread at 25. That is a tragedy.
Thing is, the people harshest on the obese? Those who were fat and lost the weight. Without fail, "fat-shamers" are always ex-fatties.
That says a lot.
Regular readers may recall my altercation with an ex-Facebook friend who had the nerve to post an anti-fat shaming article in a thread started by another ex-FB friend to celebrate his weight loss.
And yes, the former is an overweight, childless cat lady.
SJWs eating their own…that's rather poetic for these fatty fat fatties.
Previous post was “Eat the Universe Indeed”.
I see what you did there Brian.
You're the only one who really gets me.
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