Jeremy Hambly, the popular host of YouTube nerd culture channel The Quartering, was assaulted in the wee hours of Thursday morning at an Indianapolis bar while in town attending Gen Con. According to Hambly, a man in a sleeveless rainbow tee shirt approached him, asked his name, and proceeded to repeatedly punch him in the face when given confirmation.
Amateur investigators have identified Matt Loter, a game store owner and fan of Gen Con guest/con artist Anita Sarkeesian, as Hambly’s attacker. Archived tweets from Loter’s now locked Twitter account appear to confirm that he was spoiling for a fight.
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Not so easy to find now that he’s wanted for assault. |
In a move that should have surprised no one, Gen Con responded to calls that Loter be removed under a policy that lists committing crimes as a bannable offense by censoring users on its Twitch stream. Con staff have ignored attendee requests to turn Loter over to police or at least ejected from the premises. As of this writing, he’s still on the loose.
Indie comics luminary and fellow YouTuber Ethan Van Sciver started a crowdfunding campaign to pay for a civil suit against Loter on Hambly’s behalf. The legal fund met its goal on the first day.
Loter’s pummeling of Hambly is the kind of incident that shocks normies but that folks on the dissident Right have been warning about for a couple of years now. Centrists who still embrace the label exhibit a strange form of amnesia regarding political violence. Show them the latest public assault on someone to the right of Mao perpetrated by a deranged Lefty, explain why such incidents will occur again with greater frequency, and they gravely nod, only to be completely blindsided by the next attack. It’s looking more and more like being a centrist is caused by some kind of learning disability.
There’s an irony to centrist amnesia that bears directly on the topic at hand. Mere days before his encounter with a frenzied SJW’s fist, The Quartering posted a video opposing the firing of child rape joke aficionado and ex-Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn.
For those who are just tuning in, Hambly gained notoriety for sounding the alarm on Wizards of the Coast’s failure to screen out registered sex offenders from the volunteer rolls at their Magic: The Gathering tournaments. Wizards responded by punting Hambly to the curb.
Hambly intimated in his James Gunn video that he wants to go back to a world where web trawlers don’t dig through their ideological enemies’ social media histories in search of compromising dirt. A valid counterpoint is that the damned want ice water. I’d like to live in a world where guys like Hambly can discuss their differences with guys like Loter without getting socked in the jaw. Sadly, the Left brought violence into play and thereby changed the game.
It doesn’t take a strategic genius to understand what happens to guys who cling to the old rule book while people who want them disemployed or dead play by new rules. If Hambly’s unfortunate beating teaches us anything, it’s that playing fair with the other side gets you precisely nowhere. Making excuses for James Gunn earned The Quartering no sympathy from the Lefties who’ve rushed to Gunn’s defense.
There is one way back to a world where your politics and decade-old tweets won’t get you fired or punched. Getting there requires beating the Left at their own game. Punching back twice as hard, Chicago rules, whatever it takes to make them a ridiculed minority with no remaining trace of social influence or political power.
Update from the comments:
Wizards banned Hambly over his trolling of an MtG cosplayer. Which they should not have done — it was a standard SJW “how dare you say something mean about a poor defenseless woman, you horrible patriarchal white guy!” — but that was the reason.
He dug up the info on sex-offenders afterward.
Perhaps Hambly does understand the necessity of reprisals after all.
While the Quartering was a fool to support Gunn, may his civil action against Loter be successful. He should not settle for anything short of all Loter's business and personal assets, resulting in full-on bankruptcy of the leftist thug.
No doubt two actions are at play in this low drama with GenCon itself:
GenCon the Event hopes to protect one of their own (an SJW ally) and memory hole Loter's actions, while Hasbro/WotC is desperate that the info does not get out and taint their brands to cripple their D&D bottom line, thus the attempt to choke off all news related to the assault and battery of Hambly by Loter.
Pity for them that they have not learned the Nixon Lesson: "It's not the crime that get you; it's the coverup."
Since they will not support Mercy, may they have Justice instead. Burn them to ash and salt the earth beneath them.
"He should not settle for anything short of all Loter's business and personal assets…"
Agreed. That would be just, and an effective reprisal. Whether Hambly will seek to have the book thrown at Loter with the requisite vigor depends on whether he's gotten over his apparent need to be liked by the Left.
This world the Left has wrought for us all saddens me, but I know I have to accept the reality presented to me, rather than hide and pretend it doesn't exist. I just don't like the new rules, as much as they are necessary.
Agreed. I've mentioned this before at another site that what's happening in the US is reminiscent of Spain from 1931-1939.
That's because Leftists only have one playbook, and they don't like to read.
You still have a conscience. Only psychopaths like the new rules, which is why our side has been slow to adopt them.
That said, historically it's the guy who maintains a healthy fear of the terrible weapon he uses out of necessity who puts down the ravening psycho.
Is it the conscience bit, or is it more of the loss of believing everyone can come around with enough dialogue and understanding? The new rules don’t bother my conscience, but I am disturbed that my outlook needs to switch from peacetime to perpetual war and under siege mindset as evil never rests, never gives up, and it attacks from all angles. Feels like a loss of innocence.
The future is looking more and more like Warhammer 20k. Crusaders and Inquistors will be real jobs again.
"The new rules don’t bother my conscience, but I am disturbed that my outlook needs to switch from peacetime to perpetual war and under siege mindset as evil never rests, never gives up, and it attacks from all angles. Feels like a loss of innocence."
The trouble is, this is only the new normal to us living in the 21st Century. The Founding Fathers knew that evil never sleeps, the Church knew it, even a few of the fathers of the Enlightenment knew it.
We are the ones who have forgotten it, and now, we have to relearn it. Sucks for us.
Oh well.
Better that than the alternative of "Extinction Due to Niceness".
"For those who are just tuning in, Hambly gained notoriety for sounding the alarm on Wizards of the Coast's failure to screen out registered sex offenders from the volunteer rolls at their Magic: The Gathering tournaments. Wizards responded by punting Hambly to the curb."
That's an incorrect sequencing.
Wizards banned Hambly over his trolling of an MtG cosplayer. Which they should not have done — it was a standard SJW "how dare you say something mean about a poor defenseless woman, you horrible patriarchal white guy!" — but that was the reason.
He dug up the info on sex-offenders afterward.
Corrections gratefully accepted.
Chiclet-brain goes into frothing retard rage over man who opposes pedophilia and makes goofy jokes.
If you'll notice, none of these freaks have any problem with defending this behavior, and are getting no push-back from so-called "moderates" at all. Oh, and the con itself is fine ignoring the incident and allowing a violent freak to attend.
The only way for this to end is for them to finally be confronted and forcefully stopped.
With a generous side of "Don't give money to people who hate you."
Where the heck are the police in all this? I mean by all means, file suit, but shouldn't this be a criminal case first and foremost?
Jeremy has filed a report. The local police are dragging their feet, but state cops are patrolling the grounds today.
The Gen Con Twitter account signed on to one or more blockbots. I haven't interacted with it at all and I'm now blocked. The cowardice is real.
And the cowardice will eat away at both GenCon and Hasbro/WotC — "Lifestyle Brand" is Cancer.
"Lifestyle Brand" is for someone without any real life or understanding of style. They need a brand to identify with because they have nothing else. It's pure emptiness all the way down.
Gen Con is dead.
How tragic. But when spiteful petty losers take over organizations. This is the result. What offends me is the organizers' aiding and abetting of the crime. Hasbro eventually will be dragged into this quamire.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deleted my comment cause it was too rambling. But the essence was people see your weaknesses. Work on eliminating them.
Good advice for anybody.
Loter is also a college prof in game design. His twitter account is actually just deleted now, not locked. Gencon didn't just ignore, they advertised Loter's (who is a vendor) game the day after the assault.
The left are happy he was punched and there are multiple tweets calling him a nazi (ironic given the fact nazis commonly used Loter's little tactic). Them calling the Quartering a nazi, though, just shows just how little the atrocities of WW2 mean to them.
Of more immediate concern is how little the atrocities of Current Year mean to them.
so they are not turning the guy over to the Police? Since when do Police need this kind of permission. Lock that sucker down and go get him.
Gen Con is now a criminal enterprise. In Mike Pence's hometown, no less. He should go after them on RICO statutes.