In their ceaseless campaign to eliminate fun, SJWs have finally gotten around to condemning Gundam. The pretext? They find the Zeon flag problematic. Because blah blah blah Third Reich something something.

Unfortunately for the SJW scolds, #GamerGate veteran Lo-Ping proved more than a match for their grade-inflated public school B- in history. It got even worse for them when Gundam fans showed up and went all Operation Stardust on the Leftoids’ breadbasket. Only instead of a colony drop, they used Zeon memes.

With the obligatory Bright Slap for good measure.

The Left’s conditioning really has rendered them incapable of interacting with culture in any way besides destroying it. Luckily, these bold Zeonposters have shown us the way.

Will the SJWs finally learn their lesson? Doubtful. One does not care to acknowledge the mistakes of one’s youth. But relentlessly mocking their ridiculous tantrums sure is fun!
And if they found Zeon triggering, wait till they get a load of the Empire of Neue Deutschland in “Combat Frame XSeed: CY 2 Gaiden”.

What a buncha numbnuts
They're really obtinantely ignorant and proud of it.Everything is a latent fascist/nazi symbol that we're too blue pilled to fathom due to internalized false consciousness
The Zenón symbol strikes more as a stylized if clichéd Oriental motif.
In any case, they'really 5he bad guys who lose in the end.
And if they found Zeon triggering, wait till they get a load of the Empire of Neue Deutschland in "Combat Frame XSeed: CY 2 Gaiden".
You should also pick it up to see how the Kurfürst works out!
Poor NPCs can't keep their Bogey Men straight.
Need better programming, Gray Flat Man!
You are clearly retarded as you are just like those "NPCs", but you are too delusional and hypocritical to understand that.