Alex over at Amatopia reports on the latest round of Tolkien bashing instigated by the grandfather of fantasy’s soyfed, unjustifiably smug inferiors.
Everything that is good, true, noble, and beautiful must be destroyed. The recent denunciation of the legend J.R.R. Tolkien and his masterwork The Lord of the Rings is just the latest incarnation of this madness.
Sci-fi author Andy Duncan is the most recent destroyer to whine about Tolkien’s supposed racism. Get a load of this:
The Lord of the Rings series has been branded ‘racist’ by a science fiction writer who claims orcs are discriminated against and written as inferior.
American author Andy Duncan said British author JRR Tolkien depicted evil creatures such as orcs as ‘worse than others’ and said this had ‘dire consequences for society’.
Alex does a fine job of dissecting Duncan’s verbal flatulence. I’ll just add that denouncing Tolkien for depicting evil creatures as evil is a textbook Stalin style demoralization ploy. It’s absurd on its face, and everyone knows it’s absurd, which perfectly suits Duncan’s motives since the whole point is to get everybody parroting absurdities they know are lies.
However, since the Left can’t meme, Duncan winds up stepping in the bear trap he himself set.
Duncan also compared the depiction of the orcs to modern day refugees and appeared to criticise President Donald Trump over the situation at the Mexican border.
He added: ‘It is easier to demonise one’s opponents than to try to understand them and to understand the complex forces that are leading to, for example, refugees trying to cross the southern border [of the US] legally or illegally.
‘It’s easier to build walls and demonise them as “scum”.’
Has Duncan ever read The Lord of the Rings? Hell, has he even seen the movies? It’s made explicit in both that the orcs want to conquer the free peoples of Middle Earth, despoil the land, and enslave anyone they don’t slaughter outright. Thanks to Duncan’s uncontrollable fit of Trump Derangement Syndrome, he couldn’t help drawing parallels between the orcs’ invasion of Gondor and the third world’s invasion of the West. It’s an allegory Tolkien didn’t intend, but it’s now firmly entrenched in Daily Mail readers’ minds. Nice own-goal, blubberlips.
Authors used to write about truth and looked like this:

Now authors spew lies and look like this:

It’s almost as if there’s some kind of causal relationship at work.
Given Tolkien's life experience, the orcs are most likely stand ins for the Hun. You know, the folks who were actually trying to kill him in WWI.
It makes far more sense than Duncan's brazen gaslighting, but Tolkien took extreme care not to let any of his story elements be reducible to stand-ins for anything.
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"Duncan has previously written a parody set in Tolkien’s Middle-earth universe called Senator Bilbo about a right-wing Hobbit politician opposing the immigration of orcs into The Shire."
What a total hack.
And clueless, to boot.
It doesn't look like he's written anything of consequence in ten years. Oh, and he was a Clarion teacher.
So, clueless and a hack sums it up.
Objection: Hacks actually make money.
I’d call him a fucking tool but tools are useful and therefore have some redeeming social value
True. Duncan's more like a Fisher-Price foam hammer.
Duncan merely underscores an ugly trait: envy. He's deeply jealous that Tolkein wrote a modern epic that'll be read for another century while Duncan will be forgotten and his books pulped.
In the end, Duncan and his gang simply can't create only destroy and replace it wiith nothing
Thanks for the link Brian! And that meme you posted is great.
Thank you, sir.
And then the radio said, "No Duncan, you are the orcs!" And then Duncan was a zombie.
Except unironically.
-Tried posting this yesterday but for some reason it wouldn't work.
Patience obtains all things. I appreciate the effort.
There's the old quote, of which I think Tolkien would approve. I think it goes: "Fantasy doesn't teach children there are dragons, they know that. Fantasy teaches children that dragons can be fought."
It seems there are quite a few people who don't want anyone to know either that there are dragons, or that the dragons could (or should) be fought.
Perhaps rather that they aren't really dragons, or we're the real dragons, or even if they are dragons, the best course of action is to accommodate, appease, and perhaps have sex with them.
What's the big deal with the occasional maiden chained to a rock, if it's in the public good?
From Smaug to scalies in a generation.