Even Jesuits are starting to realize there’s no political solution to America’s problems. House Chaplain Pat Conroy has done what somebody should have a long time ago and performed an exorcism on the US House chamber.
The House chaplain has staged an emergency prayer intervention in Congress to cast out the “spirits of darkness” he blames for the turmoil that seized the chamber during the vote to condemn the president’s tweets for ‘racism.’
“It felt like there was something going on beyond just political disagreement” on the House floor on Tuesday during the contentious vote, chaplain Rev. Patrick Conroy told CNN on Thursday. “The energy of the House was very off. No one was relishing what was happening.”
Conroy’s prayer was inspired by the Catholic exorcism rite, he explained – as well as “traditional blessings for homes or other buildings.” He had the idea after witnessing Tuesday’s chaotic vote on a resolution condemning Trump’s “racist” tweets degenerate into partisan sniping. The drama unfolded before the vote itself, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi ultimately leaving the room in a huff after Republican Rep. Doug Collins demanded she retract the characterization of Trump’s tweets as racist. Presiding Democratic Rep. Emanuel Cleaver dropped the gavel and abandoned the chair, a dramatic move with no historical precedent, as the proceedings devolved into bickering over whether a rule had been broken. Over two hours went by before order was sufficiently restored to continue with the vote, which split along partisan lines to condemn the tweets.
It’s gonna take more than one exorcism to purify that den of thieves. I’m surprised the demonically influenced representatives didn’t descend on Conroy and tear him limb from limb.
Yeesh, look at all those blasphemous comments on the feed. Definitely going to need a whole lot of exorcisms.
They don't spew ectoplasm anymore; now they barf tweets.
Is it even licit for a Protestant minister to excorise?
If licit is it effective?
Conroy is a Catholic priest.
A better question is can a Jesuit validly perform an exorcism when the Jesuits have largely become enemies of God and His Church lately? Frankly have no idea if he is a good Jesuit or a bad one.
Anyway, Xavier, Conroy can’t do a proper exorcism without the local bishop’s permission. It’s required as part of the right. However, certain prayers of exorcism can be done without local permission. That’s what Conroy did.
I hope the local bishop gives permission for a full exocism, Congress is so nuts, they need one! Send in Fr. Chad!
Frankly we need more than exorcism. We need Crusade, Inquisition and Exorcism, followed by the Death Penalty.
Thanks. I didn't see the collar at firs. I had to enlarge the photo.
We'll assume that the bishop gave the ok.
Second Fr Z would remark that the priest's fundamental ontological transformation through holy orders precedes the his personal status. I.e. he could be in a state of sin but his offering of communion is still valid.
Maybe exorcism is a bit different.
Finally he didn't use the formal rite but one for house blessings.
I think we should take a chopper and pour holy water on the Capitol
Agreed on the choppa!
Exorcism is a bit different. As the Apostles/Disciples asked Christ why they could not exorcise some demons, Christ answered that it required fasting. A good exorcist needs to be a good man to face off against the demons of hell. Fr. Ripperger mentions it in a talk or two. His mortal standing does not change if he is a priest or not, or if he can act in persona Christi, true…but it requires training and firm moral character. Your average wishy washy priest would not be able to handle a proper exorcism.
If we have the news that Bernadin likely enthrone Satan in a church in the Carolinas, no reason to not assume something similar has been done in the Capital at some point. Heck, the Masonic shrines in the area need to exorcised.
FR Z is absolutely adamant that exorcism can only be exercised by a priest. He had a post about exorcism a few days ago and in the comments he sternly rebuked a commentator.
I've never thought otherwise. It's the priest's job and we play an important support role.
With God's nothing impossible but there are still roles to honour.
I have heard, or perhaps read, that the 'In Nomine' and the Sign of the Cross are a prayer of exorcism. Is that correct?
There are multiple applications for the word exorcism. There is the rite of exorcism found in the Roman Ritual, used for proper exorcisms along with a book of exorcism for said issues (I’ve not read the book, so I’m not aware if the book and the ritual have different things in them). And there are Prayers of exorcism That directly ask God to exorcise something, such as in the older prayers in the Roman Ritual for making holy water has several prayers of exorcism over the salt and water that is blessed.
In nomine is the prayer “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost/Spirit.” The prayer does not directly ask for exorcism of anything. It’s mostly an opener to every Catholic prayer since all prayer is through and fulfilled by God. The sign of the Cross is a powerful sign, but again, I don’t think it exorcises anything the sign is done over by it’s own nature. Both are used in the rite of exorcism, but they are not exorcisistic (that an adjective?). From what little I know, The prayer has to ask God to exorcise the object as part of the form. If that’s missing, it’s not a proper act of exorcism (same for blessings….the prayer has to ask for God to bless something, doesn’t matter if the non-blessing comes out of the Book of Blessings, it needs to ask for God to bless X).
I could very much be wrong though, as there is so much to learn about the Faith and I most certainly do not know it all.