Partisans in both conservative and liberal circles are agonizing over why dissident politics is growing despite their best efforts to play gatekeeper and censor, respectively.
One major reason is that normal people are sick and tired of being smeared as Nazis by both sides for holding positions their Christian grandfathers wouldn’t have batted an eye at.
A perfect example of a professing Christian finding himself running the gauntlet between the neoliberal Scylla and Charybdis followed author Jon Del Arroz’s launch of his #1 best seller. Justified.
One of the screencaps below originated from an online movement originally started in response to the blacklisting of Conservatives.
The other was occasioned by the news that a former Kickstarter executive had been fired for starting a union. The prevailing political sympathies of the parties involved should go without saying.
Read the excerpts below, and see if you can tell which came from the Conservative group and which came from the Liberal group.

This is why more and more people are getting fed up with both sides of the bipartite ruling cabal. If Ben Shapiro and John Oliver are both going to call you a racist for expressing the mildest illiberal opinions, even normies eventually realize they’re both on the same team.
Add in the threat of exile for transgressing the least of our overlords’ ever-expanding list of secular pieties, and the growing ranks of men backed into increasingly crowded corners become more and more likely to hoist the black flag.
Which in Clown World, means raising the banner of Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified.
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I was expecting to hoist a black flag at some point, I just wasn't expecting there to be cross on that flag.
I see I am not the only one reminded of H. L. Mencken.
Exactly, precisely this. I'm going to steal this with your permission, because it too perfectly captures the reality of our situation in this age.
Remember your Constantine.
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How about a white one with a cross or depicting a saint like the ancient regime militias or the Vendee army?
That should cause the Army of soy(tm) to re
The badge of the Royal and Catholic Army in the Vendee was a heart with a cross on top, which would do very nicely for a battle standard.
TFW being against scientism, symbolism, race-mythology, eugenics and empire makes you a Nazi.
Get ready for "The Conservative Case for Reeducation Camps for Conservatives".
My thought on this for a while has been that the gatekeepers and censors are a big part of the "problem". I said some years ago people will move as far to the fringes as they need to, to get what they want. Infinitely expanding the thought-empire of the Respectable Center doesn't mitigate extremism, it drives people to it.
Secondly, the Left consistently creates its own monsters. Whatever they are doing, you can guarantee will either slowly or swiftly bring about the opposite of their goals – social, economic, and political.
Keen observations.
Never underestimate what people will do for order. This is how you get the Man.
Being a Christianity-profaning cult, the Left needs a devil figure for their self-affirming Narrative. Since they deny the existence of both God and Satan, they've seized upon Hitler as the ultimate symbol of evil. They accuse transgressors against their creed Nazis much as Puritans made accusations of witchcraft. Except the Puritans were right.