The social media war over banning pornography that’s raged these past two months came to a head on the #Killstream, where Catholic author Dr. E. Michael Jones debated YouTuber Styx Hexenhammer.
Watch the debate:
Who do you think won?
Ralph’s audience voice their opinion here.
Classical Theist had the best take:

My comment:
Jones is right that porn is addictive, and CT is right that the Harm Principle is at best an ancillary criterion for outlawing it. Pornography gravely violates the natural law, which is the right standard of human positive law.
Stay focused on the moral level.
"Satanists aren't a monolithic block"
Okay, name me a Satanist that is against porn, that doesn't listen to cringe metal, actually shaves, and thinks drugs should be banned.
Bet you can't name one.
This isn't even an issue. Porn has never been allowed to be freely distributed or shown online. It was banned from chatrooms, it was banned from message boards, and it was banned on social media.
If anyone is pretending this is new then they are deluding themselves, and if they think it was banned because our grandfathers are stupid then they are also dishonest. They didn't need pornography to exist, and neither do you.
You can masturbate over anything, you are not owed a picture or video to preform it with.
Styx has been rather liberal with the NASALT takes lately.
Muslims are allowed to lie to non-believers. Satanists are allowed to lie to everyone. Makes it hard to take their word for it when it flys counter to their stated beliefs and goals and their behavior in general.
Side note, keep praying for Jim. He’s still clinging to the Libtardian position.
Much of this stuff is easy to think on if you ask “does this increase our people’s virtue?” Followed by “does this increase the health and welfare, holistically, of our society?” Or something to that effect.
Storming heaven on Jim's behalf!
I did hear his recent stream on the subject. He came off like a formerly edgy comedian trotting out stale material.
The amoral prankster shtick only works as long as you stay in character. Once you drop the persona and take a moral stand, there's no going back.
Besides, the audience is growing up and moving on. Look at the results of Ralph's poll.
I don't think Jim is very convinced of his own opinion. Check his twitter posts on the subject after it.
"This coomer debate seems to be a big thing atm. I'll give you my final hot take. A virtuous society cannot be a free one, and a free society cannot be a virtuous one. Good luck."
It's clear he's on the cusp of realizing what that actually entails. Definitely keep up the prayers.
Good to know. Will do!
@Brian: What does "NASALT" stand for?
@JD Cowan: I wonder if he's asked himself whether a man enthralled by his vices is in any meaningful sense free.
Not all satanists are like that.
He's recently come out saying that the "freedom" of the modern world is what has led to clown world not long after making a video showing that there is no slippery slope fallacy.
He has also recently stated religion is necessary for a society to function.
Wherever he is right now I believe it is in the right direction. In my opinion, the black pill is a necessary step for all moderns. Once it is shown how the sausage is made, one can never look at it the same again.
@JD Cowan: based on your observations, do Christians need to pass through the black pill phase, or do we tend to jump from red pill to White?