As a vindication of yesterday’s post, polling shows white support for BLM evaporating.

The mainstream media have done their best to memory hole the previous collapse in support for BLM, when a sniper associated with the movement assassinated five Dallas police officers in 2016.
It’s especially noteworthy that support for BLM started to recover after the Charlottesville debacle. You can bet that the Death Cult’s plans for the recent riots didn’t stop at toppling some statues and burning down Wendy’s. They wanted right-wingers to take to the streets in opposition to the rioters and give them a dozen Charlottesvilles nationwide.
Instead, the right stayed home. With no audience volunteers to wear the devil horns in their morality play, the Cultists turned on innocent bystanders and each other. What we’re seeing with the implosion of BLM’s popular support is the crumbling of their narrative that the riots are all about racial justice.
We’re also seeing proof that the moral level is upstream from the political level.
It seems to me they made the classic mistake of pushing folks off the fence without determining first which way they would fall, as reflected by the fact that ambivalence fell more sharply than support. Put another way, they decided that the people were ready for revolution, and only needed someone to lead them, without stopping to reflect that people ready for revolution simply revolt, following leaders they've always had. They don't wait for the revolutionary vanguard to volunteer themselves for leadership.
That's a vital observation when you consider that the folks who still favor engagement with the Left always say their goal is to convince the undecided.
As the numbers show, the best way to convince the undecided is to just let the Cultists Cult.
When the Death Cult marches in the streets, they do us the favor of ripping off their masks. Their overtures to the Church are more subtle and insidious. How do we defend our churches against the pseudo-scholarship and anti-gospel of anti-racism? It seems obvious to me that it's contrary to the Gospel, and represents a form of syncretism with the Death Cult, but I'm at a loss about how to express that insight. OTOH, I suppose it's just as fair to say that anti-racism is the end-stage of a prior syncretic embrace of humanism and modernism. The worst part is that some of the folks embracing anti-racism are doing so because they want to live their faith, not leave it, but are doing so with an incomplete understand of both their faith and what anti-racism really teaches.
See this post:
I'll read that again and give it more thought. Clearly, I missed the point.
The point is that the anti-gospel of anti-racism is against the consistent teaching of the Magisterium.
There's the rub: as a protestant pondering how defend my church family from the syncretic overtures of the Death Cult, I can't predicate arguments on the authority of the Magisterium, because even if my hearers know what the Magisterium is, their natural response will be: "That's interesting, but we're not Catholic." I could, however, argue from the content of the Magisterium, particularly if I can find strong support for the key points in Scripture, or demonstrate that Catholic thinking on these points is more clear and correct than our own. This Thomistic, ontological view of race may make perfect sense to you, but it's so foreign to me I'm going to have to sit with it for a while, first to make sure I understand the argument, and then to decide whether it holds water.
I wonder all this because I understand what Classical Theist meant by statements like "It seems as though over the course of just a few weeks, with little to no resistance from the conservative Catholic media, the underlying premises of Black Lives Matter have become the default position on race for mainstream Catholicism" and the "shameless baptism of critical race theory." I see the same thing happening in my own denomination. To the extent that mainline protestants mistake "anti-racism" for Christian charity, we are very much in danger of being taught to hate ourselves in the name of loving our neighbors.
I'm investigating this myself because I have learned quite a bit about the Faith by listening to y'all. I don't agree with y'all on everything, but I have learned to take the Catholic perspective seriously.
That's a challenge, to be sure, but one that can be overcome with some prayer and elbow grease.
The Magisterium has no power to gainsay or add to Scripture, so Magisterial documents always cite Biblical support. The Vatican's web site has all of the docs Classical Theist references. Give them a read, and see the footnotes for Scriptural arguments.
In reading Annum Sacrum and Summi Pontificatus, I'm already impressed by how well Leo XIII and Pius XII predicted the ungodly mess that contemporary society has become.
But being high priest that year, he prophesied.
Seeing the data, and other observances of similar issues, I’d say we have a case of full blown democracy. Which sucks.
The Cult has made no secret of their fetish for democracy. Defending it is the stated motive for practically all their political action.
Burn baby burn
Democracy by their definition, which means they vote on when to kill you.
I have to persuade a friend to not go off the cliff regarding this, and will use your links to Magisterium teachings to effect. BLM and "Black Experience" is another totemic fetish to avoid.
Praying for you and your friend.
The same kind of thing happened in 1968. The radical left threw a tantrum, normies got scared, the guy who promised to deal with the rioters got elected. These morons just got Trump reelected because no one bothered to teach them history.
If Trump really cracks down on the riots, possibly.
Remember, the incumbent lost in 68.
Brian, did you coin the term "Death Cult" as a descriptor for today's leftists? I use it all the time now and like to give credit where it is due.
Thank you, but the term predates my use of it.
Also I just saw this, and I think it is the most sickening action by these BLM thugs since this all began. This sicko is an animal. I have a two year old son, and just seeing the photo, I want to tear this person limb from limb. No hell fire is hot enough for this.