Mister Metokur‘s good friend Mister Anti-Bully has become the latest high-profile victim of the renewed social media purge.
Given the account’s outspoken proclivities, its termination isn’t exactly a mystery. What does raise questions is the timing.
Mister Anti-Bully survived Twitter’s previous purges aimed at suppressing the spread of “misinformation” pertaining to the coromavirus pandemic, even though Jim’s friend lambasted China, the WHO, and the CDC on a pretty much hourly basis. If they wanted to ban him, why not do it then?
A better question might be, if his tweets contra the official Covid narrative weren’t enough to get him banned, what did he say that Twitter wants hushed up even more?
Most folks in the counterculture will point to the imminent elections as the rationale behind Jim’s friend’s suspension. The problem with that theory is that neither Jim nor his friend have ever really banged the drum for Trump.
Jim did say many times that Trump’s election humiliated Big Tech, and that they were determined to prevent a repeat of 2016.
Strangely enough, the reason for Mister Anti-Bully’s banning may be related to events that occurred in 2016, but not the elections.
What else happened in 2016 that our tech oligarchs are even more desperate to stuff down the memory hole? What do they do in darkness that they can’t have brought to light?
Here’s a hint:
A SATANIC human sacrifice has been staged in the grounds of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Cern), the home of the Large Hadron Collider.
The footage shows a cloaked group wearing long, flowing black robes – and one appears to have hiking boots on underneath.
They are seen walking around, before a woman moves onto the floor and is ‘stabbed’.
But the footage appears to have been recorded as part of a prank by scientists at Europe’s top physics lab.
Cern claims the ritual was simply researchers and scientists coming to work at the facility “taking their sense of humour too far.”
Apparently WAY too far …
“So it turns out the origin of the video posted for the sacrifice at CERN has been found – the problem is, the man is dead. Now hoax or no hoax, let me remind you all we have seen this before and we know all that expose this evil are killed or made to disappear.”
Much like MisterAntiBully’s account, which had recently tweeted the CERN story and accompanying video.
The Death Cult has co-opted all earthly institutions, and they hate you. Learn how to starve the beast and have fun in the process.
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The Satanist tips his fedora as he strikes you.
*insert "I studied the blade" meme here*
Beneath the science-y veneer at CERN is a world of pseudo-science, the very real desire occultists have to open a portal to Hell. It is known.
The labcoats really have set themselves up as the new priesthood.
This is not a new phenomenon. Jack Parsons (one of the founders of JPL) was heavily into Aleister Crowley's "practical magic" bovine scat. Parsons' interpretation of it involved sexual rituals in an effort to unleash some super powerful magical being. Not surprisingly, one of Parson's friends (for a time) was L. Ron Hubbard. Demon worshipers gotta worship.
the Soul Cycle's workings were partly inspired by the Babalon Working that Hubbard and Parsons devised based on Crowley's writings.
Knowing that Hubbard dabbled in the occult does help to explain why the cult he founded is so profoundly evil.
Why do all these dabblers end up building sick and twisted parodies of the Church?
Because Satan has deep enmity for the Church and seeks to mock it at every turn.
I just remembered that demons won't actually live in Hell until the end of ages, so what are they going to with a portal to Hell? Herd Christians in directly, body and soul? And what about the Orthodox interpretation of Hell that says that Hell is the torment of sinners who failed to prepare themselves for God's all-consuming presence?
Maybe Jim will finally stream. He's got YouTube memberships to create a legal trail.
I didn't watch the video, too terrifying.
From a moral stand point, is using your computer resources to analyze CERN data evil or neutral?
It depends on whether they're using the data for intrinsically evil ends.
I'm left wondering why they have a Shiva statue in that courtyard. That seems pretty out of place. I guess they get bored of their Objective Science and wanna play with the occult sometimes…
The paeans to Objective Science™ were always a smoke screen.
If one is going to offer oneself to a demon, I don't suppose it matters which one.
Shiva is the destroyer. Solve et coagula…dissolve/destroy and remake. They are using an Indian pagan idol as a stand in for baphomet since the latter would be too obvious.
I wondered if there might be a parallel there, but I'm not conversant in Hindu mythology to be sure. Thanks.
Even assuming for the sake of argument no other motive, what kind of nutcase decorates their physics research facility with a statue of The Destroyer?
Satanists hide behind irony and sarcasm when they tell you what they do and don't believe. Unfortunately, our hyperironic age can see beyond this obvious smokescreen.
No one "pretends" to do satanic cult activity. They just do it, and will tell you to your face. Believe them, and act accordingly.
By the way, Jim's friend's friend can be found @quarantinedcoof on twitter.
I think it makes sense they'd gaslight us, denying the obvious until they're ready to admit it
and then insist they're doing nothing wrong.
Razorfist is not strong on religion. He's too much of a humanist.
Yet again, we see that one's worldview has repercussions when the rubber meets the road. Razor chides his critics for neglecting their due diligence, then he turns and blatantly lies about Nick Fuentes to score points with Con Inc. To cap it off, he soft blocks me when I offer fraternal correction.
The saddest part of the great sorting we're going through is seeing people we admired reveal themselves as false friends.
It was during his CHAZ rant that I caught it.
He was fixated on the fact that once everyone sees how stupid these people were being there that the public would wake up and understand how insane this all is. Once the public sees the blatant idiocy they will wake up.
That must be why they are already talking about blowing up Mount Rushmore, as if nothing happened. And they are still destroying statues.
He believe human beings are fundamentally good and will always course correct to do the right thing if given enough time. They don't, though. It's pure humanism, and it's observably false.
This isn't blackpilling–it's original sin. If you don't take that into account your view of humanity will always be incomplete.
The constrained vs. unconstrained vision.
Constrained – Human nature is fixed and FLAWED (hence sin)
Unconstrained – Human nature is malleable and perfectible
Humanism has always been with the unconstrained vision, which is why people are so constantly disappointed when they have "faith in humanity." When the rubber meets the road, neither conscience nor incentives can contain the sinful nature of man. Nothing black pill about acknowledging the proven history of man's nature.
Very true, JD, I don't know who buys the old "haha, I was only pretending to worship Satan and offer him a human sacrifice, classic prank!"
Just like how all those billionaires go out into the woods to pray to a giant owl statue "for fun".
Conservatives used to pride themselves on being the side that embraced reality–including fallen human nature.
Now they've traded orthodoxy for market worship. They're just as utopian as the Libertarians.
And conservatives have traded in their posture of being realists to a posture of being seen reasonable, making them worse than useless.
I must have missed Razor’s lies about Fuentes. Was that in a Twitter exchange?
Razor lashed out at Nick's followers on Twitter during the Groyper Wars. He threatened to block anyone who RT'd what he perceived as Nick's "black pilling", i.e. pointing out that Con Inc's championing of transvestites and foreign states had nothing to do with MAGA.
Nick replied that Razor "Just didn't get it." I dismissed the affair as an internecine spat until Razor hurled the white nationalist canard. Nick is a jerk, but has never been a wignat. In fact, those guys hate him more than anyone else. It was clear-cut SJW style slander on Razor's part. When I pointed this out to Razor, he soft-blocked me.
I'd hoped the Groypers' success and Con Inc's rapidly eroding credibility would bring Razor around. Instead he doubled down with the wignat slur yesterday. I can work with people sympathetic to our side whose positions don't fully line up with mine. Unrepentantly dishonest people I have no time for.
“ Unrepentantly dishonest people I have no time for.” – Agreed
How does that psalm go, again? "Place not your trust in atheist libertarians: In the children of individuals, in whom there is no community"? More seriously, Mr. Niemeier should hang on to this thumbnail:
Good thing I stocked up on eye bleach before the pandemic.
In truth I have no ill will toward Razorfist. It's no secret he hoped to hitch his wagon to Steven Crowder's. When the Groypers humiliated Crowder live on stage, Razor found it expedient to signal his Con Inc. loyalties.
The fact is, being loyal to small indie creators doesn't pay well. He made the tactically sound move from a monetary perspective.
Interesting. Is he hoping to be the second coming of Dennis Miller, his obvious comedic inspiration?
Frankly, my take on Razor is he’ll not move forward so long as he stays captive to his typical Gen Y pop-culture worship. And so long as his money comes from playing games in a live stream, it’s unclear to me how he can leap into being the Right’s funny man, especially since even Crowder was not judged “safe” enough by the Right to elevate to “legitimate” media. The checks might clear, but he’d still be stuck in the YouTube ghetto.
"Is he hoping to be the second coming of Dennis Miller, his obvious comedic inspiration?"
That's exactly what he's hoping.
He's still a better political commentator than the entire MSM put together though. Pity there's some bad blood now.
When Comicsgate went after Jon Del Arroz they would mindlessly screech "Enthno state!" at him to the point it became an in-joke. It's not an argument, it's just childish name-calling.
To see someone of Razor's caliber stoop to that level was very disheartening.
My sentiments exactly. I'm not angry at Razorfist, just deeply disappointed.
Here's hoping he comes around.
You want to talk about caliber? Razorfist is like a .38 Long Colt. He looks cool on paper, because he fits into a weapon that shoots and reloads faster, but you still have to empty an entire cylinder to maybe, hopefully, "you'd better hope that your buddy has a trenchgun" kill one Juramentado.
When will you people learn that you can't beat the Devil by subscribing to YouTube spergs? You didn't hold hands with the skeptics after they trashed the SJWs, so why did you hold Razor's after he did the same? Was Razor supposed to be "our guy in their trenches?"
"Was Razor supposed to be 'our guy in their trenches?'"
You know for some people (myself included) he really was "our guy." I always thought he was a step or two away from embracing Jesus Christ or at least it seemed that way. He from time to time would speak positively about Christianity. Although, I think he realizes that he does have a decent amount of Christian followers, and he certainly doesn't want to lose that meal ticket by insulting his audience.
I know this is serious stuff and I'm not minimizing it, but I can't help but think of Steins;Gate.
"Haha, we were just PRETENDING to do Satanic rituals! What, you and your friends never pulled the ol' 'Oh no, Satanists killed our friend!' switcheroo?"
Fun at parties!
hey ah, Myr Niemeier, how do you feel about Trump pretty much using your Death Cult rhetoric straight? Of the left:
"If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished."
High fives from me there bud.
*high fives*
Didn't exactly expect it at CERN but unfortunately not the most surprising either.
This article is revolting, but even less surprising
And some people still think I'm kidding when I call it Moloch worship.