Around the country, typical GOP voters are asking themselves why the current round of race riots has been allowed to go on for almost 90 days. After all, local and state officials have no trouble shutting down Corona virus protests. They should be able to stop looters from ransacking the Magnificent Mile.
The reason is that the riots continue because our rulers have a vested interest in letting them continue. Charlottesville remains a rallying cry among the Death Cult three years after all of those protesters have been ruined, jailed, or driven to suicide. Kamala Harris even brought it up at the streamed corporate retreat that passed for the Democrat Convention.
Since the Death Cult now dictates public morality, they need to make examples of heretics to reinforce their authority. The guys at C-Ville gave them the perfect scapegoats, and the Cult has been milking the event ever since. Their intent for the riots has been to lure our side into conflict with the thugs for Charlottesville round two. The only wrinkle was that dissidents learned better and stayed away, so the Cult has had to keep the chaos going. It’s no coincidence that the country is going up in flames in an election year.
In the end, the Death Cult had to wait for their paid chaos agents to push into Normieville. My prediction of one-percenter types giving the Cult C-Ville 2 was slightly premature, but it finally came true last night.
Watch the reporting on the Kenosha shootings by Chicago station WGN closely.
As you can see, the Cult priests in the media haven’t gone full witch hunt mode yet. Sufficient demographic details on the shooters and the victims aren’t yet known. You can rest assured that the minute even one of the shooters is identified as a white militia member, the media will blast his doxx across the web and the airwaves.
You can also be sure that shooters from unfavored demographics will have the book thrown at them while barbarians who met counterattacks while helping to burn down neighborhoods will be lionized. By now there’s no excuse for ignorance of how the Cult runs the game.
The Cult spokesman in the WGN video is already laying the foundation for the Narrative we’ll see deployed–probably starting today. Concerned citizens peaceably assembled to protest police violence. The cops tear gassed them. A bunch of cars coincidentally ended up smashed and burned for no reason. Then a bunch of flyover militiamen held a Wild West shootout in the street. That will come to be the only acceptable description of events.
For the thousandth time, the answer to the riots isn’t a dissident showdown against the Cult’s shock troops. Run the numbers. Every one on our side jailed, crippled, or killed removes a net contributor from society. Meanwhile, pierce-lipped Starbucks baristas and criminal sex offenders get free bail and media attention. Engagement on the enemy’s terms is a foolish risk.
Support for BLM is cratering because their main achievement has been burning down cities nationwide. The media can and will bend over backwards to make the Cult’s domestic terrorists look sympathetic. Don’t make their job easier.
And don’t give money to people who hate you.